USS Connecticut at high speed
Haze Gray Photo Feature
The Great White Fleet
"Big Stick" Diplomacy Afloat
From 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909 the US Altantic Fleet steamed
around the
world on a mission of "Gunboat Diplomacy". The ships, commonly known as the
"Great White Fleet" due to their white-painted hulls, called in ports the
over, impressing foreign dignitaries with the appearance of great power.
The entire affair was designed to impress, and everything was done to make
sure the fleet's appearance was perfect.
The ships, however, were not all they appeared to be. HMS
Dreadnought had been in commission for a year, effectively
rendering all the US ships obsolete. Two of the ships had such severe
mechanical problems that they could not complete the cruise, and two more
were obsolete and unfit for battle. It was great show, but the
military value of the fleet was questionable.
This was the last great hurrah for the age of white ships, buff masts
and high diplomacy on the high seas. As soon as the ships returned
from the cruise they were stripped of their fancywork and much of
their bridgework, painted gray, and had their pole masts replaced by
functional but unsightly cage masts. The buildup towards WWI had
For more information about the cruise of the Great White Fleet, see
Naval Historical Center FAQ on the Great White Fleet. Technical
information and service histories of the battleships can be
found in the World Battleship Lists.

U.S. Atlantic Fleet
Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, Commanding
Relieved by Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry, 1908
President Roosevelt reviews the Fleet prior to departure.
Roosevelt, aboard the Presidential yacht Mayflower, steams
past the fleet in Hampton Roads on 16 December 1907, as the warships lie
at anchor. Mayflower is just ahead of and beyond the dark-hulled
sidewheel steamer in the foreground.
Another view of the President reviewing the fleet prior to departure.
Ohio is the closest battleship.
The fleet steams out of Hampton Roads, 16 December 1907.
Connecticut leads the column as the fleet turns to starboard to
head out to sea.
The last ships of the fleet clear the anchorage.
The fleet is steaming line-ahead, with Connecticut, at the far
right edge of the photo, leading. The two ships shown in the foreground
(Kearsarge and Kentucky) will soon turn to starboard, away
from the camera.
The fleet at sea off the Virginia coast.
The Great White Fleet entering Rio De Janeiro, 12 January 1908.
The Fleet enters San Francisco, 6 May 1908.
This photo illustrates the huge cloud of smoke that followed a coal-fueled
fleet wherever it went.
The Fleet at San Francisco, summer 1908.
Virginia is closest, bow-on.
Another view of the Fleet at San Francisco, summer 1908.
The Fleet at Sydney, August 1908.
Connecticut, Fleet flagship, is closest. The local populance
has turned out in great numbers.

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Andrew Toppan.
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