The former CSS Acadia. Acadia was a hydrographic ship for the Canadian
Hydrographic Service, but served with the Navy during both world wars,
and is the only ship afloat to claim this honour (that I know of). ('96)
Sandy McClearn photo. |
Acadia served the CHS until 1969. She now rests at the Maritime Museum
of the Atlantic in Halifax. ('96) Sandy McClearn photo. |
Firebird, a firefighting tug in the Canadian Navy. In the background
can be seen HMCS OJIBWA, one of the Navy's three OBERON class submarines.('97)
Sandy McClearn photo. |
Firebird in Halifax Harbour, on the occasion of the departure of Canada's
contribution to Operation Apollo. (2001) |
A GLEN class tug of the Candian Navy, on the occasion of the departure
of Canada's contribution to Operation Apollo. These tugs rely on two Voith
Schneider cycloidal or "eggbeater" propulsion units which can drive the
tug in any direction. They can reportedly go faster astern than they can
forward. (2001) Sandy McClearn photo. |
A GLEN class tug underway in Halifax Harbour. (2001) |
A site from the past never to be seen again (at least not with the
money the Navy is getting these days): a Canadian carrier battle group.
The carrier is HMCS BONAVENTURE. Note the two PRESTONIAN class frigates
in the background. DND photo. |
A Canadian battle group, consisting of an AOR, several of the steamers,
three members of the Tribal class, and two subs (one not in the picture).
DND photo. |
The naval base at Esquimalt. Note the RIVER class frigate, in a postwar
configuration as a weather ship with guns removed, at the wharf on the
left. Photo from the BC Public Archives. |
HMCS PORTE ST. JEAN, on a Great Lakes tour. The PORTEs are named after
gates in the French fortifications in Quebec City and Louisbourg, and were
originally designed to operate anti-submarine booms. All have been paid
off . ('86) Steve Wilton photo. |
PORTE ST. JEAN ran into a little bit of a storm while on her Great
Lakes tour. ('86) Steve Wilton photo. |
Who says the Great Lakes aren't rough? ('86) Steve Wilton photo. |
HMCS FORT STEELE, another patrol boat/training craft in the Navy. Note
HMCS PRESERVER (AOR 510) in the background. Steve Wilton photo. |
The Sailor statue on the Halifax waterfront, a monument to all the
sailors who have sailed out of Halifax Harbour. ('97) Sandy McClearn photo. |
HMCS ORIOLE, the Navy sail training yacht. DND photo. |
BLUETHROAT, AGOR 114, an auxiliary. DND photo. |
Rapid, shown here in Coast Guard colours. In the 1980s, she and her
sisters were transferred to the Navy for use as training ships. |
HMCS DUNDALK, a small tanker used to ferry fuel oil from the Halifax
refineries to other East Coast bases. Her sister, DUNDURN, is in use as
a breakwater at a yacht club in BC. DND photo. |
For Canada's 100th birthday, a large NATO fleet descended upon Halifax
Harbour. HMCS PROVIDER is in the foreground, and USS NEWPORT NEWS is immediately
aft. ('67) A.S. Mowat photo. |
Another view of the 1967 NATO fleet. ('67) A.S. Mowat photo. |
More of the 1967 NATO fleet. ('67) A.S. Mowat photo. |
SACKVILLE and ACADIA at night. ('97) |
This is CNAV LAHAVE, AGH 131. She was used by the NRE (later DREA)
between 1951-58. She remained laid up near this same wharf until the late
1970s, and at one point was partially sunk. Thanks to those who identified
her for me. ('67) A.S. Mowat photo. |
PROVIDER and NEWPORT NEWS again. ('67) A.S. Mowat photo. |
A beautiful view of an unnamed ST. LAURENT class ship on a misty harbour.
A.S. Mowat photo. |
A ST. LAURENT lies under the MacDonald Bridge as the sun sets over
Halifax Harbour. A.S. Mowat photo. |
The 112' 'B' class motor launch, known as the Fairmile, were used for
local ASW patrol, port defence, and rescue duties; by being deployed to
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, they allowed larger ships to be freed up for
duty elsewhere. DND photo, Courtesy of Bill Croshaw. |
HMCS CORDOVA, originally YMS.420 of the USN, was purchased by the RCN
in 1951. She served until 1957. DND photo, Courtesy of Dave Shirlaw. |
HMCS PORTE ST. JEAN from the air. DND photo, Courtesy of Dave Shirlaw. |
HMCS PRESERVER served primarily as a Fairmile base supply ship during
WW2. She was sold to the Peruvian Navy in 1946, and was scrapped in 1961.
DND photo, Courtesy of Dave Shirlaw. |
HMCS PROVIDER also served as a Fairmile base, and served as such in
the Caribbean when there was a shortage of escorts there. Like PRESERVER,
she was sold Peruvian in 1946. DND photo, Courtesy of Dave Shirlaw. |