Haze Gray Photo Feature
The Chinese Navy Visits Everett
On 15 September 2000, two Chinese People's Liberation Army (Navy) [PLAN]
vessels arrived at Naval Station Everett, Washington, for a goodwill
visit. Other stops on their goodwill tour included Canadian Forces Base
Esquimalt and Naval Station Pearl Harbor.
The Chinese vessels participating in the cruise were the destroyer
Qingdao (113) and the replenishment oiler Tai Cang (575).
The US host vessel was Bridge (AOE 10), with David R. Ray
(DD 971) and Shasta (T-AE 33) also present. In honor of the event,
Naval Station Everett hosted an open house and several of the ships (both
US and Chinese) were open to visitors.

The Chinese ships approach Naval Station Everett.
The US Navy host ship USS Bridge is at left; USNS Shasta is at
right. The Chinese destroyer Qingdao is approaching the pier,
while the replenishment ship Tai Cang waits in the bay.
US Navy Photo.
The gate guards at Naval Station Everett.
View inside the main gate at Naval Station Everett.
A broadside view of the Chinese destroyer Qingdao, with
USS Bridge beyond.
Qingdao is one of China's newest warships, commissioned in 1996.
A second general view of Qingdao.
A bow-on view of Qingdao from the pier.
The Chinese "welcoming committee" aboard Qingdao.
View from Qingdao's bow, looking aft.
The dual 100mm/55cal gun mount is at center, flanked by two
Type 75 ASW rocket launchers. An 8-cell HQ-7 missile
launcher is centered above the gun mount, and is itself flanked by dual
37mm antiaircraft guns. The ship has four such 37mm mounts, for a total
of 8 guns.
Closeup of Qingdao's HQ-7 missile launcher.
This is a short-range SAM system of French origin.
The 100mm gun and Type 75 ASW rocket launcher aboard Qingdao.
A closeup of Qingdao's 100mm dual-purpose gun.
A closeup of one of Qingdao's dual 37mm antiaircraft guns.
Triple 324mm (12.75") ILAS-3 ASW torpedo tubes aboard Qingdao.
US Navy officers visiting Qingdao.
A general view of Qingdao helicopter deck and transom.
The hangar accommodates two Dauphin helicopters. Two dual 37mm
antiaircraft guns are installed atop the hangar, with a Type 347G fire
control radar positioned between them. The large Hai
Ying ("God Eye") long range air search radar is also installed atop
the hangar. A variable depth sonar is housed in the transom.
A closeup of the helicopter hangar.
Note the tracks for a helicopter haul-down and traversing system, vital
to helicopter operations in heavy weather.
Closeup of the weapons arrangement atop the hangar.
The starboard-side 37mm antiaircraft gun appears directly below the
massive Hai Ying air search radar, with the Type 347G fire control
radar inboard of the gun mount, on centerline.
A closeup of Qingdao's variable depth sonar array.
Members of Qingdao's crew mustered on the flight deck for the
arrival of a dignitary - complete with red carpet.
A general view of Tai Cang, the replenishment oiler accompanying
Tai Cang's bow and forward superstructure.
A closeup of the bridge and one of the ship's four
dual 37mm antiaircraft guns.
Tai Cang's superstructure and forward UNREP stations.
Two of Tai Cang's starboard side UNREP stations.
The ship has a total of six UNREP stations - four for fuel and two for
solid cargoes.
Stern view of Tai Cang, showing the flight deck and three
starboard-side UNREP stations.
A Chinese officer aboard Tai Cang, standing on the catwalk
above the UNREP deck.
David R. Ray's bow and forward superstructure.
This Spruance class destroyer was the only USN combatant ship present
during the open house.
Stern view of David R. Ray, showing her aft 5"/54cal gun, NATO Sea
Sparrow Missile launcher, the flight deck, and helicopter hangar.
A closeup view of David R. Ray's aft 5"/54cal gun.
A view from David R. Ray's bridge, looking forward over the
61-cell Mk41 VLS and the forward 5"/54cal gun.
The view from David R. Ray's flight deck, looking aft over the
Sea Sparrow launcher towards the fast combat support ship Bridge (AOE
Looking down the pier, with Bridge at right and Qingdao at
A closeup of Bridge's stern, showing the boat landing stage,
accommodation ladder, flight deck, and helicopter hangars.
A view of Bridge's bow and bridge, with her forward Phalanx CIWS
just peeking over the bulwarks.
A broadside view of USNS Shasta (T-AE 33).
Shasta, an ammunition ship, is now civilian-manned under MSC.
A second view of Shasta.

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This section of the HG&UW site created and maintained by
Andrew Toppan.
Copyright © 2000, Andrew Toppan. All Rights Reserved.
Photos Copyright © 2000, Roy McBride. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, reuse, or distribution without permission is prohibited.