Haze Gray Photo Feature
Aboard HMAS Collins
at the Nanoose Bay Test Range |
During October 2000, the submarine HMAS Collins was conducting
acoustic trials on the test ranges at Nanoose Bay, British Columbia,
Canada. Roy McBride was given the rare opportunity to photograph not
only the Nanoose Bay facilities, but also HMAS Collins, inside and
out. This Photo Feature presents the photos of Collins, including
many details that have never been shown before. There is also a separate
Photo Feature showing the facilites of the Nanoose
Bay Test Range.
HMAS Collins is the lead-ship of the Royal Australian Navy's new
submarine class. The Collins class is one of the newest
diesel-electric submarine designs in the world. Unfortunately, these
boats have suffered a number of significant technical problems, including
excessive flow noise, propeller cavitation and fatigue problems,
unreliable diesel engines, and deficient combat system electronics. The
RAN is in the process of resolving these problems, and Collins has
been fitted with a number of the "fixes" for testing purposes. Presumably
her visit to the Nanoose Bay test range was related to the testing of flow
noise and cavitation corrections.
We wish to extend a special "Thank You" to the officers and
crew of HMAS Collins for making this feature possible.

The thumbnail images and captions are linked to screen-sized images;
larger images are linked to the words "Hi-Rez Image".
Collins approaches the pier at Nanoose Bay, with the majestic
mountains looming behind.
[Hi-Rez Image]
Collins turns towards the Nanoose pier.
A tug approaches Collins to assist her in maneuvering.
With the tug alongside and line handling crews on deck, Collins
draws near to the pier.
Collins maneuvers alongside the pier as the mooring lines are
Note the two "windows" on the hull for the flank sonar arrays,
and the smaller "window" on the sail for an active sonar array.
To reduce flow noise problems previously experienced in this class,
the sail has been modified with a small fairing at the base and an
extended after edge.
[Hi-Rez Image]
Collins close alongside the pier.
This view shows the flank array windows and the additional fairing at the
base of the sail.
[Hi-Rez Image]
The tug maneuvers alongside as mooring lines are passed.
This view shows the third (aft) flank array, directly below the mooring line.
[Hi-Rez Image]
A close view of the sub's extreme stern.
The long 'tube' and strut apparently relate to her towed sonar array.
The two fins projecting above the water are part of her stern plane system.
Line handling crews work on the sub's aft deck.
Note the retractable bollards.
Collins moored.
[Hi-Rez Image]
A view of Collins' torpedo room.
She features a complex mechanical torpedo-handling system, seen here.
The six 21" torpedo tubes are in a horizontal line across the front of
the space (two tubes at far left are partially concealed). The torpedo
room also doubles as a berthing space - note the four temporary bunks
installed between the torpedoes.
[Hi-Rez Image]
One of the torpedoes in the overhead storage racks in the torpedo room.
A total of 23 Mk48 torpedoes and Harpoon SSMs can be carried.
A countermeasures launcher.
Collins is fitted with two such decoy launchers.
The central control room aboard Collins.
The Commanding Officer is seated in his chair at center, with
the periscopes at extreme left. The green bags hanging from the overhead
contain emergency breathing apparatus.
[Hi-Rez Image]
The Commanding Officer (at center) explaining the function of
equipment in the control room.
The commander of the Nanoose Bay test ranges, Commander Gord Buckingham,
is in the foreground.
A switchboard in Collins' electrical equipment space.
The helmsman's position seat - with controls that might look more
appropriate in an aircraft!
View down a main passageway aboard Collins.
The officer's wardroom - a very small space, but there are only 6
officers aboard the sub.
[Hi-Rez Image]
One of Collins' main propulsion diesels.
The sub has three of these 18-cylinder, 2,000 horsepower engines.
Unfortunately they have suffered significant reliability problems,
partially due to problems keeping water out of the fuel oil.
[Hi-Rez Image]
Exhaust ducting from the diesels, and exhaust hull valve.
This view is in the engine room, looking down the walkway between
two of the diesels.
Collins' main propulsion electric motor.
The large cylinder atop the motor is the heat exchanger for the cooling
[Hi-Rez Image]
The extreme stern, where the propeller shaft passes through the pressure
The shaft is concealed by shrouds and bearings, but the shaft seal is
barely visible at the bulkhead.
Pumps in Collins' machinery spaces.
View of some auxiliary equipment and wiring in Collins' machinery
One of the emergency breathing apparatus bags located throughout the boat.
Commander Peter Scott, Commanding Officer (right) Leading Seaman Dean
Hunt on deck.
Commander Peter Scott, Commanding Officer.

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This section of the HG&UW site created and maintained by
Andrew Toppan.
Copyright © 2000, Andrew Toppan. All Rights Reserved.
Photos Copyright © 2000, Roy McBride. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, reuse, or distribution without permission is prohibited.