CL 58

JULY 1, 1944


JULY 31, 1944

U.S.S DENVER (CL58) is a part of Cruiser Division 12 which consists of the MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, and CLEVELAND (Rear Admiral R. W. HAYLER, U.S. Navy, commanding, in MONTPELIER), but is operating with Cruiser Division 13 which consists of the SANTA FE, BILOXI, and MOBILE (less BIRMINGHAM) (Rear Admiral L. T. DU BOSE, U.S. Navy, commanding, in SANTA FE) which is a part of T.G. 58.1 consisting of the HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATAAN, OAKLAND, SAN JUAN, DesRon 46, and DesDiv 11. Rear Admiral J. J. CLARK, U.S. Navy in HORNET is T.G. commander. T.G. 58.1 is a part of the Fifth Fleet commanded by Admiral R. A. SPRUANCE, U.S. Navy, Zone Description – 11.

Saturday, 1 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with T.G. 58.1 enroute from Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, to the Japanese held Volcano and Bonin Islands to bomb and bombard them in accordance with directives of C.T.F. 58 and C.T.G. 58.1. Fired 5"/38 and machine gun practice at towed sleeve most of the day expending 121 rounds 5"/38 AA Common projectiles and smokeless powder, 1174 rounds 40mm H.E. Tracer, 1147 rounds 20mm H.E. Incendiary, 804 rounds 20mm H.E. Steaming on base course 315o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). Fleet axis 090o T. Steaming in Cruising Formation 5R, with Task Group 58.1, comprised of U.S.S. HORNET (OTC), YORKTOWN, BATTAN, CRUDIV 13 less U.S.S. BIRMING HAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, SAN JUAN, OAKLAND, DESDIV 11, DESDIV 91 and DESDIV 92. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use; ship is darkened with Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" set throughout the ship; zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0130 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 315o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 315o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 0455 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0530 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0548 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 315o T (PGC), at speed 18 knots. Zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0756 Ceased zig-zagging. Commenced taking station in column for anti-aircraft exercises. 0815 Formed column with CRUDIV 13, went to 25 knots. 0835 Made weekly and monthly tests and inspections of magazines, smokeless powder, bombs, pyrotechnics, magazine sprinklers, shell stowage sprinklers, hangar space sprinklers. Conditions normal. 0855 Slowed to 18 knots. Commenced zig-zagging alternately 20o to the right and left of base course. 0934 Went to 20 knots. 0949 Commenced firing 5"/38 anti-aircraft exercise. 1020 Secured from 5"/38 anti-aircraft practices. Commenced machine gun anti-aircraft firing runs. 1111 Slowed to 18 knots. 1126 Secured from anti-aircraft training practices. 1136 Commenced taking station in Cruising Formation 5R with Task Group 58.1. Went to flank speed. 1159 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 300o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), in process of forming Cruising Formation 5R. 1200 All engines ahead flank, 25 knots (256 RPM). Changed course to the right to 305o T (PGC). 1212 Slowed to full speed 18 knots (180 RPM). Task Group in Cruising Formation 5R, DENVER in station 4225. 1216 Increased speed to 21 knots (212 RPM). 1230 Slowed to standard speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1344 Sounded anti-aircraft call and manned all 5" and automatic weapons. Went to Cruising Formation 5VD. 1345 Went to full speed 18 knots. 1400 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with zig-zag plan No. 7 on base course 305o T (PGC). 1440 Commenced firing 5" and automatic weapons at sleeve towed by carrier planes. 1518 Executed emergency 6 turn, new course 285o T (PGC) and ceased zig-zagging. 1527 Changed course to the right to 305o T (PGC) on signal. 1547 Completed firing of 5" and automatic weapons. 1551 Set Condition of Readiness III in the anti-aircraft battery. 1553 Maneuvered on various courses to resume Cruising Formation 5R, on new station 4225 at 1559.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

S. D. Cornish, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 305o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5R. 1601 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1706 DENVER designated guide of formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 305o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1900 Set all ship’s clocks back one (1) hour to minus ten (10) zone time. 1809 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1822 Shifted from No. 2 steering unit to No. 1 unit from port cable to starboard cable. 1855 Ceased zig-zagging on present course 305o T (PGC). 1905 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 1905 Changed fleet course to the right to 350o T (PGC). 1915 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 350o T (PGC) at speed 17 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 2020 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 350o T (PGC). 2030 Changed course to the left to 305o T (PGC). 2040 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 40.0’ N

159o 16.3’ E

1200 14o 29.1’ N

158o 19.4’ E

2000 15o 54.7’ N

156o 18.2’ E

Sunday, 2 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Carriers topped off DD’s with fuel. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J.J. Clark, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATTAN, SANTA FE, DENVER, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, IZARD, CHARRETTE, CONNER, BELL, BURNS, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, COWELL, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, and MC CALL. In Cruising Formation 5R; ship is darkened, Material Condition "B", and Readiness Condition III; Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use. Course 305o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 0200 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 305o T (PGC). 0314 Changed course to 300 T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, in Cruising Formation 5R, with Task Group 58.1. Base course 300o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0410 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0430 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 0500 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. 0519 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 300o T (PGC). 0520 Changed base course to 305o T (PGC). 0523 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0531 Commenced zig-zagging independently of formation, base course 305o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 305o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging independently and maintaining approximate position on guide. 0815 Mustered crew on stations; absentees none. 0930 Held Divine Services. 1107 Received U.S.S. BURNS alongside starboard quarter to deliver mail.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 166

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 305o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging independently on station while CV’s are fueling destroyers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 167

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 305o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station. 1610 Fueling operations completed. Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1636 U.S.S. HORNET recovered planes. U.S.S. YORKTOWN launched planes. 1740 U.S.S. MILLER joined formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 305o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5R, U.S.S. SANTA FE fleet guide, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1823 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. 1836 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1847 Changed course to 355o T (PGC). 1850 Changed course to 305o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1920 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 305o T (PGC). 1924 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. 1930 Changed base course to 335o T (PGC). 1935 Lighted fires under boilers No. 2 and 3 to boost steam. 1940 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 335o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 2029 Ceased zig-zagging and changed fleet course to the left to 315o T (PGC). 2030 Went to 21 knots (210 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 210

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 17o 51.0’ N

153o 34.0’ E

1200 18o 29.2’ N

152o 38.0’ E

2000 19o 43.3’ N

150o 52.1’ E

Monday, 3 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J.J. Clark, USN, in U.S.S. HORNET is OTC. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATTAN; CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER; U.S.S. OAKLAND; and Destroyer Divisions 11, 91 and 92. In Cruising Formation 5R, axis 090o T, station 4225. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B", and Readiness Condition III. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use. Steaming on course 315o T (PGC), at speed 21 knots. 0300 Slowed to 16 knots. 0319 Changed course to left to 310o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 216

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 310o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM). Changed course to 305o T (PGC). 0430 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0440 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 0450 Slowed to 12 knots. 0500 Ceased zig-zagging, course 265o T (PGC). 0513 Changed course and axis to 180o T (PGC). 0515 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Maneuvering on various courses and speeds to join up with Task Group 58.2 and to form formation 5F for fueling operations. 0549 Commenced fueling operations in formation 5F. At 0630 rendezvoused with T.G. 58.2 and both groups topped off destroyers with fuel.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 145

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, in formation 5F, base course 305o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging on signal from CTU 58.1.2. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees none. 1000 Set Material Condition "A" below first platform. 1009 Maneuvered on various courses and at various speeds to take station 4225 in formation 5R. 1040 Lighted fires under No. 2 and 3 boilers. 1050 Cut No. 2 and 3 boilers in on main steam line. 1100 Fleet axis changed to 120o T, fleet course to 293o T (PGC). 1158 Resumed position in formation 5R, with Task Group 58.1, base course 293o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 208

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 293o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM). At 1300 anti-submarine patrol planes from BATAAN made first enemy contact with 4 engine Japanese flying boat and shot it down. Carriers sent plane strike against Iwo Jima Island in the Kazan Group. 1400 Changed course to the left to 170o T (PGC), following movements of carrier during plane operations. 1420 Changed course to the right to 300o T (PGC). 1430 Rotated fleet axis to the right to 180o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 252

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 300o T (PGC), at speed 25 knots. 1738 Changed course to the left to 180o T (PGC). Slowed to 22 knots, conforming to movements of carriers during recovery operations. 1756 Resumed course 180o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 254

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180o T (PGC), at 23 knots (223 RPM). 1807 U.S.S. HORNET and BATAAN completed recovery. 1908 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 2000 Changed fleet course right to 340o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 216

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 340o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (223 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5R. The ship is at General Quarters. 2008 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck, Condition of Readiness III. 2012 Let fires die out under No. 2 boiler. 2020 Let fires die out under No. 3 boiler. 2043 U.S.S. HORNET assumed formation guide. 2045 Changed fleet course to 320o T (PGC). 2345 Lighted fires under No. 2 and 3 boilers to boost steam pressure.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 225

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 22o 02.2’ N

148o 12.7’ E

1200 22o 42.0’ N

147o 00.0’ E

2000 23o 44.0’ N

144o 24.0’ E

Tuesday, 4 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming on course 320o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (220 RPM), axis 180o T (PGC), in company with Task Group 58.1; Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, in the U.S.S. HORNET is OTC. This force consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATAAN, SANTE FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, IZARD, CHARRETTE, CONNER, BELL, BURNS, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, COWELL, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM MC CALL, in Cruising Formation 5R. Ship is darkened, in Condition of Readiness III, with Material Condition "B" set above the first platform deck. Boilers No. 1 and 4 are in use. 0208 Went to 23 knots (234 RPM). 0212 Changed fleet course to the left to 310o T (PGC). 0252 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 0310 Lighted fires under No. 2 and 3 boilers. 0317 Changed fleet course to the right to 315o T (PGC). 0330 Changed fleet course to the right to 350o T (PGC). 0346 Cut in boilers No. 2 and 3 on main steam line. 0356 Changed fleet course to the left to 290o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 236

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at speed 25 knots. 0423 Changed course to right to 000o T (PGC). At 0434 sighted Haha Jima Island bearing 350o T, distance 20 miles. 0435 Sighted HaHa Jima Island, bearing 350o T (PGC), distance 20 miles. 0441 Changed course to right to 090o T (PGC). 0445 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0446 Changed course to right to 155o T (PGC). 0449 Turned on all around white truck lights during predawn aircraft launching operations. At 0450 carriers of this force launched a plane strike against objectives in the Bonin and Volcano Islands. 0453 Material Condition "A" set throughout ship. 0511 Changed course to right to 180o T (PGC). 0512 Slowed to 20 knots. 0522 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0522 Turned off all around white truck lights. 0535 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck. 0540 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on zig-zag course 160o T (PGC). 0522 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, on base course 180o T (PGC). 0557 Ceased zig-zagging. Changed course to right to 300o T (PGC). 0625 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0628 Ceased zig-zagging. Changed course to left to 160o T (PGC). 0627 Sighted land bearing 241o T (PGC), distance 30 miles. Steaming on various courses during aircraft launching and recovery operations. 0752 Set course 135o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 222

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 135o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM). Formation is being maneuvered by OTC for launching and recovery of planes for waves of strikes against objectives in Bonin Islands. 1156 Joined company with Task Group 58.2. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 221

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

In the afternoon DENVER participated in bombardment of Iwo Jima Island (see appended action report). Steaming as before, on course 170o T (PGC), speed 25 knots, engaged in forming a column on the U.S.S. SANTA FE as guide; order of ships, U.S.S. SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE and DENVER; ComCruDiv 13, Rear Admiral L. T. Dubose, USN, in U.S.S. SANTA FE as OTC. 1203 Changed course to the left to 160o T (PGC). 1205 Changed course to the right to 172o T (PGC). 1208 Changed course to the right to 200o T (PGC). 1210 Slowed to 20 knots. 1216 Changed course to the right to 250o T (PGC). 1224 Changed course to the right to 325o T (PGC), by column movement. 1232 Slowed to 15 knots. 1236 Changed course to the left to 250o T (PGC), by column movement. 1246 Went to full speed. 1249 Changed speed to 22 knots. 1250 Changed fleet course and axis to 250o T (PGC), speed 15 knots, and went into Cruising Formation "BC", in company with Task Unit 58.1.2, Task Unit 58.2.4, and DesRon 46, plus U.S.S. MILLER and THE SULLIVANS, with ComCruDiv 10, Rear Admiral L. H. Thebaud, USN, in U.S.S. BOSTON as OTC. Task Unit 58.1.2 consists of Cruiser Division 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER. Task Unit 58.2.4 consists of U.S.S. BOSTON (F), and U.S.S. CANBERRA. 1304 Changed speed to flank, 25 knots. 1318 U.S.S. SANTA FE catapulted one aircraft. 1320 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 8, base course 255o T (PGC), and changed course to left to 225o T (PGC). 1343 Went to General Quarters for shore bombardment of Iwo Jima Island, Kazan Islands. Boilers No. 1,2,3 and 4 on the line. 1347 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 255o T (PGC). 1353 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 1410 On signal changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the right to 270o T (PGC). CruDiv 10, U.S.S. BOSTON and CANBERRA with the U.S.S. SULLIVANS and MILLER, plus two (2) DD’s of DesRon 46, left the formation and proceeded toward the west side of the island. 1414 U.S.S. BILOXI catapulted one plane. 1415 U.S.S. DENVER catapulted plane No. 8 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; observer, Ivy, T.R., ARM2c, USNR. U.S.S. BILOXI launched a second aircraft. 1417 Catapulted plane No. 7 to port, Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; observer, Lyons, P., ARM2c, USNR. 1429 U.S.S. SANTA FE launched one aircraft. 1430 U.S.S. MOBILE launched one aircraft. 1439 On signal changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the left to course 190o T (PGC). 1442 On signal changed fleet speed to 15 knots. 1455 U.S.S. SANTA FE commenced firing to starboard on shore installations and planes spotted on Japanese airfield on Iwo Jima Island, Volcano Islands. 1456 U.S.S. BILOXI opened fire. 1458 Observed planes taking off from Iwo Jima Island airfield. Planes identified as Vals. Our fighter cover was directed to intercept planes. 1504 Kingfisher from U.S.S. SANTA FE landed on water off port bow, shot down by two (2) Zekes. U.S.S. BURNS was ordered to proceed to the plane, recover pilot and observer and sink the plane. Both pilot and observer were recovered unharmed. 1510 Commenced firing 5" battery to starboard at targets of opportunity. 1511 Opened fire with 6" battery to starboard. 1512 Opened fire on Subchaser in harbor. 1520 Ship appeared to be beached and was smoking aft. The bow had been shot away. 1522 U.S.S. SANTA FE ceased firing and U.S.S. DENVER commenced firing on airfield. 1526 On signal changed fleet course and axis to the right by column movement to course 254o T (PGC). 1528 U.S.S. SANTA FE resumed firing. Several severe fires, some planes, and others apparently oil tanks were raging on the island, sending up columns of dense black smoke which interfered with spotting being done by our aviators. 1542 All 5" battery ammunition had been expended. 1545 Checked fire on main battery while air spotter spotted us on buildings near center of the island. 1546 Opened fire with 6" to starboard on group of buildings which were hit and left burning. 1550 Opened fire with 5" battery on water tower. 1557 Ceased firing. 1558 Went to 20 knots and changed fleet course and axis, by column movement to the left to 220o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 208

S. D. Cornish, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 220o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM). 1610 Secured from General Quarters, except for the anti-aircraft battery, and set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck. 1621 Sounded flight quarters and commenced maneuvering to recover aircraft. 1650 Hoisted in plane No. 7. 1654 Hoisted in plane No. 8. 1710 Settled on course 220o T (PGC). 1717 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1727 Changed fleet course and axis to 100o T (PGC) and slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1743 Went to 27 knots (282 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 191

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 100o T (PGC), at speed 27 knots, in Special Cruising Formation "BC" in company with CruDiv 10. 1825 Changed course to the right by column movement to 120o T (PGC). 1827 Went to 28 knots. 1930 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1938 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 284

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120o T (PGC), at 28 knots (286 RPM), ship is at General Quarters. 2020 Changed fleet speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2023 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck, and Condition of Readiness III. 2026 Changed fleet course to 300o T (PGC). 2032 Changed fleet course to 030o T (PGC). 2041 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 2045 Changed course to 115o T (PGC). 2052 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 2107 Shifted steering unit from port to starboard cable. 2110 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds to join Task Group 58.1, in Cruising Formation 5R. 2205 Joined formation in assigned station, 4225, fleet axis 180o T. Set course 165o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 2214 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2240 Increased speed to 19 knots (190 RPM). 2347 Changed course to 170o T.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 25o 26.7’ N

142o 21.9’ E

1200 25o 06.0’ N

142o 18.0’ E

2000 23o 55.2’ N

142o 16.1’ E

Wednesday, 5 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1 which is composed U.S.S. HORNET, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC, U.S.S. YORKTOWN, BATAAN, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND, DesDiv 91, DesDiv 92, and DesDiv 11, on base course 170o T (PGC), axis 180o T, in Cruising Formation 5R, speed 19 knots (190 RPM); zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Boilers No. 1,2,3 and 4 in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" is set above the first platform deck; in Condition of Readiness III. 0234 Changed fleet course to 165o T (PGC). 0236 Changed fleet speed to 20 knots (200 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 193

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 165o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0450 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0500 Secured No. 1 and 3 boilers. 0540 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck and Condition of Readiness III. 0645 Slowed to 19 knots (190 RPM). At 0735 SANTA FE reported a floating mine which was destroyed by BROWN. 0735 U.S.S. SANTA FE reported a floating mine and ordered U.S.S. BROWN to investigate and destroy.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 202

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 165o T (PGC), at speed 20 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees, none. 0910 Ceased zig-zagging and maneuvered independently to keep clear of the U.S.S. HORNET during aircraft recovery operations. 0928 Resumed station and zig-zag plan. 0940 Discovered fuel oil leak into 5" magazine, A-519-M. 0945 Secured the after SG Radar. 1030 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal, except in magazine A-519-M as noted above. 1112 Slowed to 19 knots.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 165o T (PGC), at speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1210 Left station to keep clear of U.S.S. YORKTOWN launching aircraft. 1216 Resumed station. 1222 Left station to keep clear of U.S.S. HORNET launching planes. 1230 Resumed station. 1417 Left station to clear U.S.S. BATAAN launching planes. 1420 Resumed station. 1445 Half-masted colors following movement of U.S.S. BATAAN. 1454 Two-blocked colors.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 165o T (PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, in Cruising Formation 5R. 1717 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 165o T (PGC). 1722 Changed fleet course to 100o T (PGC). 1732 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1741 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 100o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1858 Went to 21 knots (210 RPM). 1909 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. At 1951 while at general quarters for dusk task group was given alert by T.G. commander because of an unidentified aircraft northeast of formation 16 miles. No contact resulted. 1951 Given alert by Task Force Commander, "bogey" reported to the northeast, distance 16 miles. 1958 Target reported dead ahead.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 189

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 100o T (PGC), at speed 21 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with zig-zag plan No. 6. 2003 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B" above first platform deck. 2011 Changed course to the right to 130o T (PGC). At 2106 sighted Pagan Island, Marianas Group, bearing 075o T, distant 20 miles. 2106 Sighted Pagan Island, Marianas Group, bearing 075o T (PGC), distant 20 miles. At 2115 sighted Alamagan Island bearing 135o T. 2115 Sighted Alamagan Island, bearing approximately 135o T.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 213

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 20o 43.8’ N

143o 28.0’ E

1200 19o 41.5’ N

143o 54.2’ E

2000 18o 01.0’ N

145o 54.5’ E

Thursday, 6 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, in U.S.S. HORNET, OTC. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATAAN, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, OAKLAND, IZARD, CHARRETTE, CONNER, BELL, BURN, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, COWELL, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, and MC CALL; in Cruising Formation 5R. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Course 103o T (PGC), speed 21 knots (210 RPM); zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0024 Ceased zig-zagging and came to base course 103o T (PGC). 0055 Changed course to 170o T (PGC). Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 215

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 170o T (PGC), speed 21 knots (210 RPM), fleet axis 180o T, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0445 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0503 Let fires die out under No. 1 and 3 boilers. 0530 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 170o T (PGC). 0534 Changed fleet course 210o T (PGC). 0535 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 210o T (PGC). 0543 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck, set Condition of Readiness III. At 0600 went to formation 5F. 0600 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 210o T (PGC). 0600 Maneuvered on various courses and at various speeds to assume position in formation 5F. 0639 Assumed position in formation 5F on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 8 knots (80 RPM). Completed pumping ballast. 0650 U.S.S. BRADFORD came alongside to port for fueling. At 0700 DENVER fueled BRADFORD. 0700 Commenced pumping fuel to U.S.S. BRADFORD. 0730 ComCru Div 13 designated as OTC.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 –12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 8 knots (80 RPM), fueling U.S.S. BRADFORD to port. 0815 Mustered crew on station. Absentees none. 0850 Completed fueling destroyer alongside to port, having delivered 93,450 gallons. 0859 U.S.S. BRADFORD cast off from alongside. 0944 Made preparations for going alongside U.S.S. PLATTE port side to fuel. 1022 Came alongside U.S.S. PALTTE port side to. 1043 Commenced receiving fuel in both forward and after hose.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 8 knots, fueling from U.S.S. PLATTE, port side to. 1332 Completed fueling, having received 400,181 gallons fuel. 1347 Cast off all lines to the U.S.S. PLATTE. 1347 Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds taking station in cruiser zig-zag line, astern of oilers. 1420 Took station in zig-zag line at speed 13 knots. Zig-zagging on signal from U.S.S. SANTA FE. At 1553 all ships having completed fueling, the task group went to formation 5R. 1553 Commenced taking station in Cruising Formation 5R, course 090o T (PGC), axis course 090o T, speed 8 knots, U.S.S. HORNET guide. DENVER in station 4225. Went to 25 knots, course 012o T (PGC), proceeding to station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 116

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 012o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM). 1605 Changed course to 090o T (PGC), slowed to 8 knots (80 RPM). 1607 Changed course to 075o T (PGC). 1610 Changed course to 120o T (PGC), increased speed to 15 knots. 1617 Changed course to 180o T (PGC). Maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds to take station 4225 in formation 5R, axis 090o T, HORNET is guide, fleet course 230o T, speed 16 knots. 1640 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1739 Ceased zig-zagging, returned to base course 230o T (PGC). 1742 Changed course to 080o T (PGC), increased speed to 12 knots. Lighted off boilers No. 1 and 3. 1751 Secured boilers No. 1 and 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 080o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (223 RPM) to recover planes. 1843 Changed base course to 230o T (PGC). 1845 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1850 Changed base course to 220o T (PGC). 1852 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1854 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. 1856 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 220o T (PGC). 1924 Set Condition of Radar silence III. 1930 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", above first platform deck, Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 –24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2023 Shifted from No. 2 steering unit port cable to No. 1 steering unit starboard cable.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 15o 53.7’ N

147o 08.5’ E

1200 15o 53.6’ N

147o 42.5’ E

2000 15o 25.2’ N

148o 10.0’ E

Friday, 7 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATAAN, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER; U.S.S. OAKLAND; and DesDivs 11, 91, and 92. In Cruising Formation 5R, axis 090o T. DENVER station 4225. U.S.S. HORNET is guide. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" is set below the first platform deck. Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Steaming on course 220o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with zig-zag plan No. 6. Condition III of Radars silence is in effect. 0034 Sighted flare of gunfire flash bearing 240o T, followed by lume on horizon at same general bearing. 0245 U.S.S. HORNET reported bogey, bearing 330o T (PGC), distance 48 miles. Radar condition V set by OTC. 0255 Bogey identified as friendly.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0520 U.S.S. BATAAN launched aircraft. 0530 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5R, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, fleet axis 090o T. 0809 U.S.S. COWELL came alongside port quarter to deliver official mail. 0811 U.S.S. COWELL cast off. 0815 Mustered crew on station. Absentees: none. 0818 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 0915 Sounded flight quarters. 0920 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 0931 Catapulted plane No. 8 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR. Observer Lyons, T., ARM3c, USNR. 0934 Catapulted plane No. 7 to port. Pilot, Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR. 0934 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 0942 Secured from flight quarters. 0952 Shifted steering units and cables to unit No. 1, starboard cable. 0953 Changed fleet speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 1000 Changed fleet course to 115o T (PGC). 1022 Changed fleet course to 315o T (PGC). 1025 Fleet speed slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1038 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6, base course 315o T (PGC). 1140 Ceased zig-zagging. 1146 Changed fleet course to 105o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 315o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (223 RPM). 1246 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1251 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1259 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering preparatory to recovering aircraft. 1315 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1321 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1353 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, and took proper station in formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 181

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 315o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1604 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. Changed course to the right to 090o T (PGC), by column movement. 1717 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1828 Steaming on various courses, at various speeds to stay clear of carriers during recovery operations. 1847 Set course 140o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1852 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. At 1857 while at general quarters for dusk alert had radar contact on unidentified plane bearing 080, distance 40 miles. 1857 Unidentified plane contact, bearing 080o T, distance 40 miles. 1902 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 1905 Set condition of Radar silence V. 1912 Changed course to 340o T (PGC). 1924 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1945 Lighted fires under No. 3 boiler. Ceased zig-zagging resumed base course. At 1947 as a result of several contacts the O.T.C. ordered formation 5VN. The YORKTOWN launched night fighters to intercept the raids. 1947 Steaming on various courses, at various speeds to form Cruising Formation 5VN.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 320o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). The ship is darkened and at General Quarters. 2002 Group of unidentified planes bearing 350o T, distance 60 miles. 2006 Assumed position in formation 5VN. 2006 Increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 2021 Cut in No. 1 boiler in on main steam line. 2023 Zig-zagging on signal from OTC. At 2026 one Jap plane was shot down by a night fighter within sight of the formation. It was seen to explode in the water bearing 022o T. One plane is believed to have landed on Guam after having been pursued by YORKTOWN fighter. 2026 Observed plane exploding in water, bearing 022o T. 2040 Cut in No. 3 boiler on main steam line. 2055 Observed bright white light bearing 065o T. 2111 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 2115 Changed speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 2135 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck, set Condition of Readiness III, except in anti-aircraft battery and CIC. 2204 Let fires die out under No. 2 boiler. 2216 Let fires die out under No. 4 boiler. At 2249 set condition II in the anti-aircraft battery, all raids having disappeared from the radar screen without a shot having been fired by any ship in the task group. 2249 Set Condition of Readiness III in anti-aircraft battery. 2255 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 2316 Fleet speed changed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 2330 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. At 2342 we returned to formation 5R. 2342 Assumed position in Cruising Formation 5R, base course 250o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), fleet axis 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 23.8’ N

146o 08.0’ E

1200 12o 57.8’ N

145o 48.5’ E

2000 13o 18.0’ N

146o 25.0’ E

Saturday, 8 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming on course 240o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists of the following: Carrier Division 5; Cruiser Division 13 less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND; Destroyer Divisions 91, 92, and 11; in Cruising Formation 5R, fleet axis 090o T (PGC). Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, in U.S.S. HORNET is OTC; guide is U.S.S. HORNET. Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use, ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" is set above the first platform deck and Material Condition "A" is set below; Condition of Readiness III is set. 0000 Changed fleet course to the left to 180o T (PGC). 0020 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0100 Changed fleet course to the left to 090o T (PGC). 0330 Changed fleet course to the left to 320o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 320o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 0523 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0524 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to the right to 100o T (PGC). 0535 Changed course to the left to 320o T (PGC). 0537 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck. 0607 Changed course to the right to 115o T (PGC). 0613 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 0640 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on course 135o T (PGC). 0644 Formation changed course to the left to 035o T (PGC) to investigate wreckage of aircraft sighted by TBF on anti-submarine patrol. 0700 Changed course to the right to 095o T (PGC). At 0730 U.S.S. HELM picked up 5 Japanese believed to have been occupants of plane shot down the preceding evening. 0730 U.S.S. HELM picked up Japanese survivors believed to have been occupants of plane shot down by night fighter at about 2100 on 7 July 1944. 0747 Changed course to the left to 295o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 295o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees, none. 0845 Changed course to 210o T (PGC). 0910 Changed course to 180o T (PGC). 0915 Changed course to 210o T (PGC). 0923 Changed course to 215o T (PGC). 0925 Changed course to 105o T (PGC). 0935 Changed course to 280o T (PGC). 0940 Slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0947 Commenced zig-zagging independently on station during fueling operations of destroyers. 1008 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1012 Catapulted plane No. 8. Pilot Lt. (jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; observer, Tucker, A. J., Jr., ARM3/c, USNR. 1014 Catapulted plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; observer none, for search flight within visual contact of formation. Maneuvering at various courses and speeds to regain station. 1026 Set speed 15 knots, zig-zagging independently on station, base course 280o T (PGC). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 280o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging independently. 1243 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). 1244 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1251 U.S.S. CHARRETTE came alongside port quarter. 1252 U.S.S. CHARRETTE cast off. 1256 Changed fleet course to 020o T (PGC). 1315 Sounded flight quarters. Maneuvered at various speeds on various courses to recover aircraft. 1325 Plane No. 7 hoisted aboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR. 1332 Plane No. 8 hoisted aboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; observer Tucker, A.J., Jr., ARM3c, 357 41 75, USNR. 1336 Secured from flight quarters. 1339 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7, base course 180o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1351 Ceased zig-zagging and remained on course 135o T (PGC). 1353 Changed fleet speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1357 Changed fleet course to 080o T (PGC). 1414 Fleet speed slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1441 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7, base course 160o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1534 Fleet speed increased to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1541 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC). 1552 Slowed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 167

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 085o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1653 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM), changed course to 180o T (PGC). 1702 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1740 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 168

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1823 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to the left to 100o T (PGC). 1828 Changed course to the left to 070o T (PGC). 1830 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide during aircraft recovery operations by U.S.S. HORNET. 1832 Went to 18 knots. 1853 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1855 Changed course to the right to 180o T (PGC) and slowed to 16 knots. 1859 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 1904 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, on base course 180o T (PGC). 1915 U.S.S. HORNET resumed fleet guide. 1927 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1929 Changed course to the right to 250o T (PGC). 1939 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, on base course 250o T (PGC). 1947 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B" above the first platform and Readiness Condition III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 250o T (PGC), speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 2025 Changed course to 255o T (PGC). 2340 U.S.S. MAURY and CRAVEN rejoined formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 48.9’ N

146o 41.8’ E

1200 13o 45.9’ N

146o 10.7’ E

2000 12o 48.8’ N

145o 31.0’ E

Sunday, 9 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1 as before. Planes of this group are making daily strikes on Guam and two destroyers from the group go to Guam daily to patrol and bombard. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists of the U.S.S. HORNET, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC, U.S.S. YORKTOWN, BATTAN, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND; DesDiv 11; 91 and DesDiv 92, in Cruising Formation 5R, on base course 255o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). Fleet axis 090o T. Zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" set above the first platform deck, Condition of Readiness III. .Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0005 U.S.S. OAKLAND and HELM left the formation on special assigned duty. ComDesDiv 11 assumed command of the screen. 0020 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 255o T (PGC). 0030 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). 0040 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7, base course 180o T (PGC). 0120 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 180o T (PGC). 0130 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 0140 0040 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0547 Held steering casualty drill. 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck, and Condition of Readiness III. 0630 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). 0641 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0712 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 0810 Changed course to the left to 295o T (PGC). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees none. 0826 Held church services for officers and crew. 0840 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0954 C Ceased zig-zagging, changed course to the left to 110o T (PGC). Went to 25 knots. 0955 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, and weekly inspection and test of magazines, smokeless powder, bombs, pyrotechnics, magazine sprinkling, shell stowage sprinklers, hangar space sprinklers. Conditions normal. 1000 Carriers launched planes for strike against Guam. 1019 Slowed to 16 knots. Changed course to left to 320o T (PGC). 1026 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1126 Changed course to the right to 110o T (PGC), for aircraft recovery and launching operations. 1140 Changed course to the left to 090o T (PGC). 1145 Went to 25 knots. 1156 Damaged plane crashed into water, bearing 057o T (PGC), distant 5 miles. Pilot and gunner parachuted to water and were picked up by destroyers BURNS and IZARD.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 176

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 25 knots (256 RPM). 1226 Changed course to 090o T (PGC), slowed to 15 knots, maneuvering to keep clear of U.S.S. YORKTOWN launching planes. 1322 Resumed station. Commenced zig-zagging independently during fueling operations of destroyers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), in formation 5R, zig-zagging independently on station. 1702 Changed fleet course to 235o T (PGC). 1712 Resumed zig-zagging independently. 1721 Shifted to No. 2 steering unit port cable.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 152

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 235o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station. 1837 Changed course to 080o T (PGC). 1848 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1850 Changed course to 235o T (PGC) and went to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1856 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1925 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck, and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 235o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2150 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 2220 Changed course to the right to 340o T (PGC). 2210 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2300 U.S.S. OAKLAND and HELM rejoined formation after having been on Guam patrol.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 01.4’ N

146o 10.9’ E

1200 13o 26.9’ N

146o 01.6’ E

2000 13o 02.1’ N

146o 41.0’ E

Monday, 10 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming on course 340o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, in company with Task Group 58.1. Task Group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATTAN, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND and DesDivs 91, 92 and 11. OTC is Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group is in formation 5R, DENVER is in station 4225. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" set above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III set. .Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0000 U.S.S. GRIDLEY and MC CALL left formation for Guam patrol. 0100 Changed course to 070o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 070o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, in formation 5R. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0545 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform, Readiness Condition III. 0554 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 070o T (PGC). 0604 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 270o T (PGC). 0641 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 –12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew on station. Absentees: none. 0942 Changed course to 260o T (PGC). 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1013 Changed course to 110o T (PGC). 1130 Changed course to 065o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 –16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 065o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1254 Changed course to the left to 310o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging. 1353 Sounded flight quarters in preparation for launching both planes. 1420 Changed course to the right to 075o T (PGC). 1423 Launched plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, 125666 USNR; observer none. 1425 Launched plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Ensign D.G. Hartlaub, 346932 USNR; observer Ivy, T.R., 612 93 30, ARM2c, USNR. Planes Launched to accompany carrier planes for strike on Rota Island. 1426 Went to 22 knots. At 1430 launched two kingfishers to accompany carrier planes making strike on Rota Island and to perform pilot rescues if necessary. 1437 Changed course to the right to 090o T (PGC). 1449 Changed course to the left to 310o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 1500 Commenced zig-zagging independently while U.S.S. HORNET fueled destroyer. Fleet speed 15 knots during fueling operation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 167

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 310o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station during fueling of destroyers. 1644 Sighted land bearing 331o T, distance 42 miles. 1645 Ceased zig-zagging, maneuvering to recover planes. Recovered planes at 1700. 1700 Recovered plane No. 7. 1704 Recovered plane No. 8, both planes returned from rescue duty during air strike. Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds to resume station. 1715 Changed fleet course to 115o T (PGC), speed 22 knots, (223 RPM). 1726 Changed fleet course to 230o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. 1748 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 178

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 230o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, in Cruising Formation 5R. 1824 Ceased zig-zagging and changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 1824 Sighted Rota Island, bearing 250o T, distance 42 miles. 1826 Boiler No. 4 repaired and in operating condition. 1848 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1913 Changed fleet course to 170o T (PGC). 1920 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 170o T (PGC). 1940 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform, set Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 170o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2130 Changed fleet course to the right to 270o T (PGC). 2130 U.S.S BURNS and IZARD left the formation and proceeded on duty assigned. 2320 U.S.S. GRIDLEY and MC CALL rejoined the formation. 2356 U.S.S. COWELL and BELL left the formation and proceeded on duty assigned.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 54.0’ N

146o 39.8’ E

1200 13o 54.0’ N

146o 43.0’ E

2000 14o 07.2’ N

146o 16.1’ E

Tuesday, 11 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group consists U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, BATTAN, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, CONNER, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL; in Cruising Formation 5R, axis 090o T; DENVER station 4225; guide U.S.S. HORNET. Steaming on course 270o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. The ship is darkened, with Material Condition "A" set below the third deck, Material Condition "B" above third deck, Condition of Readiness III; boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0000 Changed course to the left to 195o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging. 0204 Changed course to the left to 100o T (PGC) while U.S.S. YORKTOWN launched two night fighters to intercept possible bogeys in the vicinity of Guam. 0220 Changed course to the right to 195o T (PGC). 0237 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0315 Lighted fires under No. 2 and 4 boilers to boost steam. 0316 Bogey reported bearing 310o T, distant 15 miles. 0320 Changed course to the left to 070o T (PGC) while U.S.S. YORKTOWN launched one night fighter. Went to 22 knots. 0322 Executed emergency turns in order to evade attack by bogey. At 0325 went to general quarters because of bogey reported bearing 310o T, distant 15 miles. YORKTOWN launched night fighters which intercepted bogey. Bogey was seen in flames on the horizon bearing 170o T. 0325 Went to General Quarters. 0328 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 0339 Observed burning plane go down over horizon, bearing 170o T. 0342 Set course 180o T (PGC). 0346 Slowed to 16 knots. Secured from general quarters at 0347. 0347 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above third deck. 0349 Changed course to left to 168o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 168o T (PGC), at 19 knots (190 RPM). 0401 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0406 Secured boilers No. 2 and 4. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. Ceased zig-zagging. 0515 U.S.S. HORNET launched planes. 0537 Resumed zig-zagging. 0545 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition "B" above third deck and Condition of Readiness III. 0555 Changed course to 188o T (PGC), increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 0617 Changed course to 305o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 0638 Changed course to 040o T (PGC). 0647 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0759 Changed course to the right to 090o T (PGC) and went to 20 knots (200 RPM), resumed zig-zagging, fleet speed 16 knots.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, from Cruising Formation 5R. 0813 Fleet course changed to 060o T (PGC). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0850 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 060o T (PGC). 0910 Shifted steering units and cables to No. 2 unit port cable. 0922 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 060o T (PGC). 0928 Fleet course changed to 020o T (PGC). 0938 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 020o T (PGC). 0930 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1118 Made emergency course change to 230o T (PGC). Ceased zig-zagging. 1119 Fleet speed increased to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1139 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 230o T (PGC). 1152 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 230o T (PGC). 1154 Fleet course changed to 270o T (PGC), and speed changed to 16 knots (160 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1204 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1243 Changed course to the right to 350o T (PGC). 1540 Changed course to the right to 070o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 070o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. 1617 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1703 Changed course to the left to 270o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1820 Sighted Rota Island, Marianas Group, bearing 268o T, distance 50 miles. 1836 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 1846 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1852 Changed course to 100o T (PGC). 1931 Changed course to 205o T (PGC). 1937 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 205o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2025 Lighted fires under No. 2 and 4 boilers. 2129 Let fires die out under No. 2 and 4 boilers. 2305 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 205o T (PGC). 2315 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 2325 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 12o 41.0’ N

145o 54.0’ E

1200 13o 16.9’ N

146o 16.0’ E

2000 13o 56.6’ N

146o 05.0’ E

Wednesday, 12 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group includes: U.S.S. YORKTOWN, BATTAN, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, CONNER, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, and MC CALL; in Cruising Formation 5R, axis 090o T (PGC), course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), guide is U.S.S. HORNET, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below the third deck, Material Condition "B" above the third deck, Condition of Readiness III is set and boilers No. 1 and 3 are in use. 0030 Commenced maneuvering to clear units of Task Group 53.1. 0055 Steadied on course 090o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0124 Changed fleet course to the left to 085o T (PGC). 0153 Changed fleet course to the left to 080o T (PGC). 0315 Changed fleet course to the left to 355o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 –08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 335o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0430 Lit fires under boilers No. 2 and 4 to boost steam pressure. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0508 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. At 0531 U.S.S. MAC CALL came alongside and one officer and U.S. mail were transferred to her. 0531 U.S.S. MC CALL came alongside for transfer of mail and officer. 0546 Sighted group of tankers, hull down, bearing 000o T. 0547 U.S.S. MC CALL cleared starboard side. Set course 000o T (PGC), ceased zig-zagging. 0554 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0632 The Captain took the conn. Steaming on various courses and speeds, proceeding to go alongside tanker in station No. 2, formation 5F. 0704 U.S.S. HENLEY made sonar contact and commenced dropping depth charges, bearing 075o T (PGC), distance 2,000 yards. At 0717 fueled from U.S.S. KASKASKIA. BATAAN and COWELL left formation to go to Pearl Harbor. 0717 Alongside U.S.S. KASKASKIA, starboard side to. Speed 10 knots, course 090o T (PGC). 0723 Draft before fueling forward 23’2", aft 24’ 11". 0732 Commenced receiving fuel on the forward hose. 0738 Commenced receiving fuel on the after hose.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 150

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 10 knots, refueling from U.S.S. KASKASKIA. 0800 Mustered crew on station. Absentees: none. 0847 Completed fueling, having received aboard 209,107 gallons of fuel oil. 0850 Cleared U.S.S. KASKASKIA and took station in first zig-zag line of formation 5F. Maneuvering on order from ComCruDiv 13, to maintain station. 1000 U.S.S. BATAAN and COWELL left formation to proceed on duty assigned. 1034 Received U.S.S. BRADFORD along starboard quarter for transfer of mail. 1036 U.S.S. BRADFORD cleared starboard quarter. 1200 Maneuvering to take station 4225 in formation 5R.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 134

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 140o T (PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1222 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1225 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 1253 Changed fleet course to 150o T (PGC). 1258 Changed fleet course to 210o T (PGC). 1320 Changed fleet course to 235o T (PGC). 1326 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1400 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 075o T (PGC). 1419 Changed fleet course to 235o T (PGC). 1428 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1530 Ceased zig-zagging. 1539 Changed fleet course to 075o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 154

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 075o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1606 Changed course to the right to 245o T (PGC). 1608 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1651 Ships left to 085 T (PGC). 1707 Ships left to 075o T (PGC). 1744 Changed fleet course to the right to 245o T (PGC). 1752 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 158

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 245o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1836 Changed course to the left to 085o T (PGC). 1842 Changed course to the right to 120o T (PGC). 1846 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1848 Changed course to the right to 290o T (PGC). 1853 Material Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 1857 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1911 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. 1930 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above third deck.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2215 Changed course to 250o T (PGC), ceased zig-zagging. 2234 Changed course to 290o T (PGC). 2238 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2330 U.S.S. CHARRETTE and CONNER rejoined formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

  1. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.
Positions: 0800 13o 56.7’ N

146o 47.2’ E

1200 13o 56.8’ N

147o 21.6’ E

2000 13o 33.0’ N

146o 53.6’ E

Thursday, 13 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists U.S.S. HORNET, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC, U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus, U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND, DesDiv 11, Desdiv 91, DesDiv 92; on base course 090o T (PGC); axis 090o T, in Cruising Formation 5R, speed 16 knots (160 RPM). The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" set above the first platform, in Condition of Readiness III. 0001 U.S.S. BROWN and BELL left the formation on special assigned duty. Changed fleet course to 205o T (PGC). 0018 Commenced zig-zagging with plan No. 6, base course 205o T (PGC). 0228 Unidentified planes bearing 280o T, distance 40 miles and 290o T, distance 47 miles. 0335 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 300o T (PGC). 0340 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0340 Changed fleet speed to 20 knots (200 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 166

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM). 0401 Changed course to 300o T (PGC) and slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0410 Changed course to 270o T (PGC). 0430 Changed course to 205o T (PGC). 0445 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0532 Changed course to 070o T (PGC). 0546 Secured from General Quarters, and set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0622 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 0629 Changed course to 185o T (PGC). At 0630 catapulted planes to accompany carrier planes in strike on Guam. 0630 Catapulted plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) A.B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; observer, none. 0630 Catapulted plane No. 8 to port. Pilot E.G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; observer Lyons, T., ARM2c, USNR, 626 14 15. 0652 Changed course to 055o T (PGC). 0658 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 166

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 055o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Held quarter for muster. Absentees none. 0838 Changed course to right to 180o T (PGC), ceased zig-zagging. 0843 . Changed course to left to 150o T (PGC). Went to flank speed 25 knots. 0909 Commenced maneuvering independently to recover aircraft, "C" method. Recovered planes at 0915. 0915 Recovered plane No. 7 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) A.B. Haseltine, 125666, USNR; observer, none. 0922 Recovered plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot E.G. Yesko, 251058, USNR; observer Lyons, T., ARM2c, 626 14 15, USNR. 0924 Went to 25 knots and various courses rejoining formation. 0936 Resumed station in formation 5R, on course045o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 0942 U.S.S. HORNET assumed formation guide. 0955 Commenced zig-zagging independently while carrier fueled destroyers. 1045 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1124 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 1144 Changed course to right to 110o T (PGC). 1156 Changed course to left to 070o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 070o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). Maneuvering to conform with movements of U.S.S. HORNET during recovery operations. 1203 Changed course to 110o T (PGC). 1214 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 1218 Changed course to 120o T (PGC). 1225 Changed course to 050o T (PGC). 1230 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1303 Changed course to 030o T (PGC). 1334 Changed course to 030o T (PGC). 1339 Changed course to 105o T (PGC). 1358 Changed course to 095o T (PGC). 1406 Changed course to 080o T (PGC). 1410 Changed course to 030o T (PGC). Made contact with Task Group 58.2. 1421 Changed course to 070o T (PGC). 1432 Changed course to 040o T (PGC). 1501 Changed course to 070o T (PGC). 1512 Changed course to 100o T (PGC). 1521 Changed course to 180o T (PGC). 1527 Sighted Task Group 58.2, bearing 200o T (PGC), distance 10 miles. At 1530 U.S.S. CABOT joined the formation. 1530 Changed course to 340o T (PGC). 1540 Changed course to 000o T (PGC). U.S.S. CABOT joined formation and Task Group for further operations. 1546 Changed course to 320o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 320o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5R. 1601 Changed fleet course to 300o T (PGC). 1701 U.S.S. HORNET designated fleet guide. 1737 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 300o T (PGC). 1758 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 300o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 159

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 300o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1801 Changed course to the right to 180o T (PGC). 1810 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1819 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on course 200o T (PGC). 1820 Changed course to the right to 270o T (PGC). 1830 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1846 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1901 Changed course to the left to 180o T (PGC). 1933 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, and Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck. 1941 Changed course to the right to 270o T (PGC). 1951 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 153

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2050 Made radar contact on Task Group 53.7, bearing 229o T (PGC), distance 16 miles. 2111 Changed course to the right to 000o T (PGC). 2121 Resumed zig-zagging. 2131 Changed course to the left to 285o T (PGC). 2141 Resumed zig-zagging. 2250 Sighted intermittent flares or star shells bearing 245o T. 2320 Sighted Rota Island, bearing 315o T, range 22 miles. 2234 Changed course to the left to 280o T (PGC). At 2334 sighted Guam bearing 234o T, distance 32 miles. 2334 Sighted Island of Guam, bearing 234o T, distance 32 miles, illuminated by star shells.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 159

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 00.0’ N

145o 46.4’ E

1200 13o 16.0’ N

146o 34.5’ E

2000 13o 42.9’ N

146o 21.0’ E

Friday, 14 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET; group includes U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, and Destroyer Divisions 91, 92; and 11; in Cruising Formation 5R; axis 090o T (PGC); course 280o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). Guide is U.S.S. HORNET, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below the third deck and Material Condition "B" above the third deck; Condition of Readiness III is set. Boilers No. 1 and 3 are in use. At 0047 passed Rota Island abeam to starboard bearing 330o T (PGC), distance 10 miles. 0047 Passed Rota Island abeam to starboard bearing 330o T (PGC), distance 10 miles. Star shells observed over Guam Island intermittently all during the watch. 0330 Made contact with U.S.S. GUEST, bearing 270o T, distance 10 miles.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 280o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 280o T (PGC). 0430 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated fleet guide. 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0509 Ceased zig-zagging, steadied on course 320o T (PGC). 0510 Changed base course to 180o T (PGC). 0550 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 180o T (PGC). 0553 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0617 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 180o T (PGC). 0619 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 0631 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0641 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 000o T (PGC). 0734 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 000o T (PGC). 0734 Passed through oil slick. 0736 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 0746 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0850 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). At 0902 again sighted Rota and at 0908 sighted Guam bearing 148o T, distance 42.5 miles. 0902 Sighted Rota Island, bearing 082o T, distance 46 miles. 0908 Sighted Guam Island, bearing 148o T, distance 42.5 miles. 0918 Changed course to 340o T (PGC). 0932 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0940 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0950 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1014 Made an emergency turn to course 335o T (PGC) because of suspicious looking wake reported 5,000 yards ahead. 1025 Wake reported as heavy oil slick. 1044 Changed course to 155o T (PGC). 1116 Changed course to the right to 290o T (PGC). 1121 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1215 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering to conform to movements of carriers during aircraft recovery and launching operations. 1250 Resumed base course 290o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. 1252 Commenced zig-zagging independently on station while destroyers fueled from carriers. 1253 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1516 Passed partially inflated rubber life raft close aboard to port. U.S.S. CRAVEN and MAURY ordered to sink same by Screen Commander.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station during fueling of destroyers. 1600 Changed course to 100o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 100o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station. 1840 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 1900 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1908 Changed fleet course to 260o T (PGC). 1915 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 260o T (PGC). 1935 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck; Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 260o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2045 Entered heavy rain squall. 2131 Changed course to the left to 180o T (PGC). 2141 U.S.S. CONNER, MAURY and CRAVEN left the formation and proceeded as previously directed.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 08.3’ N

144o 19.8’ E

1200 14o 04.0’ N

144o 13.0’ E

2000 14o 01.3’ N

144o 00.0’ E

Saturday, 15 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Cruising in company with Task Group 58.1 Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Groups consists of U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, BOYD, and BRADFORD; in Cruising Formation 5R, fleet axis 090o T; DENVER’S position 4225. Steaming at 16 knots, on course 160o T (PGC) and zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 180o T (PGC). Ship is darkened, with Material Condition "A" set below third deck and Material Condition "B" set above the third deck; Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0300 Changed course right to 270o T (PGC), and resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 270o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0510 Changed course to 030o T (PGC). 0520 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0523 Changed course to 140o T (PGC). 0531 Changed course to 230o T (PGC). 0537 Changed course to 270o T (PGC). 0539 Changed course to 290o T (PGC). 0547 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0601 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 U.S.S. OAKLAND broke the Five flag at the dip. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0837 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 0838 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 090o T (PGC). 0839 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0903 Changed fleet course to 140o T (PGC). 0914 Changed fleet course to 025o T (PGC). 0921 Changed fleet course to 340o T (PGC). 0932 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 340o T (PGC). 0945 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1006 Ceased zig-zagging. 1014 Shifted steering cable and units to starboard cable and No. 1 unit. 1016 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 1019 Changed fleet course to 135o T (PGC). 1023 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 1042 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 000o T (PGC). 1053 Ceased zig-zagging resumed base course 000o T (PGC), commenced zig-zagging independently on station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 159

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1223 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 1238 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1349 Ceased zig-zagging. 1352 Changed course to 000o T (PGC). 1402 Went to 22 knots (220 RPM) and commenced maneuvering for carrier launchings. 1447 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1448 Changed course to 230o T (PGC). 1452 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 230o T (PGC), 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1601 Ceased zig-zagging, commenced maneuvering to conform with movements of carriers during aircraft recovery operations. 1658 Resumed station in Cruising Formation 5R. Set course 045o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. 1700 Changed course to left to 315o T (PGC). 1711 Changed course to right to 000o T (PGC). 1712 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1714 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 179

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 020o T (PGC), speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1803 Changed course to 045o T (PGC). 1840 Sighted U.S.S. MAURY and CRAVEN, hull down, bearing 090o T. 1846 Changed course to 075o T (PGC). 1900 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1911 Changed course to 270o T (PGC). 1921 Resumed zig-zagging. At 1923 U.S.S. MAURY came alongside and delivered official and U.S. mail. 1923 U.S.S. MAURY came alongside port quarter to deliver official and U.S. Mail. 1935 U.S.S. MAURY cleared port side. 1948 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above third deck, and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 159

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2350 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 270o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 12o 40.8’ N

143o 35.4’ E

1200 13o 25.0’ N

143o 42.6’ E

2000 14o 15.6’ N

143o 59.9’ E

Sunday, 16 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming as before. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Groups consists of U.S.S. HORNET (guide), YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, BOYD, BRADFORD, CONNER, MAURY; in Cruising Formation 5R, fleet axis 090o T; speed 16 knots (160 RPM); steaming on course 180o T (PGC). Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below third deck; Condition "B" set above the third deck; Condition of Readiness III set; boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0010 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0200 Changed fleet course to the left to 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0520 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. Set Material Condition "A". 0529 Changed fleet course to the right to 180o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging. 0607 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0615 Manned all flight quarter stations in preparation for launching both planes. 0640 Changed course to the left to 115o T (PGC). Ceased zig-zagging. At 0644 launched two Kingfishers to accompany carrier planes on strike on Rota Island. 0644 Launched plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Ensign D. G. Hartlaub, USNR, 346932; observer Lyons, T., ARM2c, 626 14 15. 0646 Launched plane No. 7 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, USNR, 125666; observer: none. Planes launched to accompany carrier planes during strike on Rota Island. 0655 Changed course to the right to 240o T (PGC). 0705 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 240o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0855 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to the left to 115o T (PGC), went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0925 Slowed to 5 knots (050). Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, USNR. Recovered both planes at 0930. 0934 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8. Pilot Ensign D. G. Hartlaub, USNR; observer Lyons, T., ARM2c. 0935 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM), changed course to the right to 210o T (PGC). 0952 Held Divine Services. 1001 Changed course to the left to 115o T (PGC). 1006 Went to 16 knots (160 RPM), changed course to 210o T (PGC). Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1013 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 181

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 245o T (PGC), at speed 20 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 210o T (PGC). 1216 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 210o T (PGC). 1210 Changed fleet course 240o T (PGC). 1230 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 240o T (PGC). 1234 Ceased zig-zagging, fleet course changed to 115o T (PGC). 1243 Changed fleet course to 240o T (PGC). 1247 Changed fleet course to 115o T (PGC). 1253 Changed fleet course to 245o T (PGC). 1315 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 1322 Changed fleet course to 245o T (PGC). 1331 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1530 Ceased zig-zagging and resume base course 245o T (PGC). 1532 Changed fleet course to 270o T (PGC). 1542 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 270o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1630 Changed fleet course to the right to 000o T (PGC). 1711 Changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 202

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 085o T (PGC), at speed 20 knots. 1900 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Set Material Condition "A". 1900 Changed course to the left to 055o T (PGC). 1912 Went to 22 knots. 1921 Changed course to the right to 060o T (PGC). 1930 Changed course to the right to 085o T (PGC). 1945 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III; Material Condition "B" above the third deck.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 214

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 085o T (PGC), at speed 22 knots (223 RPM). 2005 Slowed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 2110 Cut in Boiler No. 2; secured boiler No. 1. 2150 Cut in boiler No. 4; secured boiler No. 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 205

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 19.0’ N

143o 38.8’ E

1200 12o 30.4’ N

143o 18.9’ E

2000 12o 05.0’ N

143o 20.6’ E

Monday, 17 July, 1944.

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists of U.S.S. HORNET OTC, U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CABOT, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND, DesDiv 11, DesDiv 91, DesDiv 92, on base course 085o T (PGC), axis 090o T; speed 20 knots (200 RPM). This is in station 4225; in Cruising Formation 5R. The ship is darkened, Condition "B" is set above the first platform; Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. 0001 Changed fleet course to 080o T (PGC). 0016 Cut No. 1 boiler in to boost steam. 0031 Secured No. 1 boiler. 0100 Commenced pumping ballast. 0125 U.S.S. HORNET designated fleet guide. 0130 Fleet course changed to 045o T (PGC). 0330 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 205

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 045o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0502 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 0504 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0518 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0547 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0553 Secured from Dawn Alert and set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. At 0555 changed formation to 5F. 0555 Commenced maneuvering to form special fueling formation 5F. 0715 Commenced zig-zagging independently, maintaining station astern of fueling station 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, at speed 10 knots, zig-zagging independently in first zig-zag line, formation 5F. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0818 The Captain took the conn. At 0844 fueled from U.S.S. MONONGAHELA, completing at 1047. 0844 Alongside U.S.S. MONOGAHELA in station No. 3. Speed 10 knots, on course 090o T (PGC), MONONGAHELA is towing. 0859 Commenced receiving fuel. Draft of ship forward 23’ 6", aft 24’ 10". 0908 U.S.S. IZARD came alongside port quarter and delivered one bag of mail. Unloading empty ammunition cases and containers to tanker. 0950 Commenced receiving gasoline. 1025 Completed fueling ship, having received 191,704 gallons fuel oil. 1035 Completed receiving gasoline, having received 600 gallons. Ship’s draft 24’ 6", aft 25’ 8". 1040 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1047 Cast off all lines, cleared U.S.S. MONOGAHELA. Steaming on various courses and speeds taking station in zig-zag line on course 040o T (PGC), speed 15 knots. At 1105 resumed cruising formation 5R. 1105 Commenced taking station in Cruising Formation 5R, guide U.S.S. HORNET, course 090o T (PGC), axis 090o T, speed 10 knots, DENVER station 4225. 1113 On station in Cruising Formation 5R. 1124 Went to 16 knots. 1141 Changed course to right to 135o T (PGC). 1147 Changed course to right to 180o T (PGC). 1156 Changed course to the left to 090o T (PGC), in preparation for carriers launching strike against Guam.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 116

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, at speed 16 knots (160 RPM), on base course 090o T (PGC). Maneuvering to conform with carriers launching of planes. 1203 Carriers launched planes for Guam strike. 1205 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1223 Slowed to 17 knots (170 RPM). 1231 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 1258 Changed course to 270o T (PGC). 1312 Changed course to 305o T (PGC). 1324 zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 305o T (PGC). 1425 Ceased zig-zagging. 1427 Changed course to 105o T (PGC). 1453 Changed course to 305o T (PGC). 1507 Changed course to 105o T (PGC). 1545 Changed course to 305o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 305o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1601 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. base course 305o T (PGC). 1746 Ceased zig-zagging, remained on course 285o T (PGC). 1747 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 1757 Changed fleet course to 305o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 305o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1805 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1837 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 1849 Changed fleet course to 300o T (PGC). 1852 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1913 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1945 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 300o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2212 Changed course to the right to 000o T (PGC), to clear Task Unit consisting of U.S.S. CHENANGO and two other vessels. 2226 Changed course to the left to 320o T (PGC). 2242 Changed course to the left to 285o T (PGC). 2255 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2350 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course in preparation for 2400 change of course.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 13o 19.1’ N

146o 40.8’ E

1200 13o 15.4’ N

147o 18.0’ E

2000 13o 56.4’ N

146o 27.8’ E

Tuesday, 18 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with T.G. 58.1 in formation 5R. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J.J. Clark, USN in U.S.S. HORNET OTC. This Task Group consists of U.S.S. HORNET, CABOT,SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, DENVER, and . Destroyer Divisions 91, 92 and 11. Cruising Formation 5R; course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below the third deck and Material Condition "B" above the third deck; Readiness Condition III set. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. 0010 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0155 Contact made with U.S.S. MINNEAPOLIS and U.S.S. HUDSON, range 15 miles, bearing 290o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0510 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0515 Ceased zig-zagging and remained on course 300o T (PGC). 0516 Changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC). 0552 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", Readiness Condition III. 0606 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 0616 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0623 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 120o T (PGC). 0625 Changed fleet course to 075o T (PGC). 0635 Resumed zig-zagging, base course 075o T (PGC). 0710 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0720 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 0724 Shifted steering units and cables to No. 2 unit, port cable. 0730 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0808 Changed fleet course to the left to 110o T (PGC). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0818 Resumed zig-zagging. 1015 Changed fleet course to the right to 180o T (PGC). 1025 Resumed zig-zagging. 1041 Changed fleet course to the left to 030o T (PGC). 1045 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1050 Sighted Rota Island, bearing 135o T (PGC), distance 30 miles. 1051 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1123 Changed course to 120o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. 1204 Changed course to right to 270o T (PGC). 1210 Changed course to right to 090o T (PGC). 1214 Changed course to right to 120o T (PGC). 1228 Changed course to right to 260o T (PGC). 1246 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1306 Changed course to the right to 300o T (PGC) and resumed zig-zagging. 1440 Changed course to right to 120o T (PGC), ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering on various courses at 20 knots during launching and recovery of aircraft by carriers. 1454 Plane from U.S.S. HORNET crashed. U.S.S. CHARRETTE went to pick up survivors. 1514 U.S.S. DENVER designated guide. 1523 Changed course to the right to 290o T (PGC). 1528 Slowed to 16 knots. 1533 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. At 1635 U.S.S. BRADFORD came alongside to take off U.S. mail. 1635 U.S.S. BRADFORD came alongside to take off U.S. Mail. 1647 U.S.S. BRADFORD cleared side. 1654 Ceased zig-zaggging, changed course to 120o T (PGC). Carriers commenced recovering aircraft. Increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 1715 Changed course to 110o T (PGC). 1716 Changed course to 100o T (PGC). 1722 Aircraft recovered, changed course to 280o T (PGC). 1740 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 280o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1832 Ceased zig-zagging remained on course 300o T (PGC). 1841 Changed fleet course to 100o T (PGC). 1848 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1857 Changed fleet course to 330o T (PGC). 1931 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 330o T (PGC). 1925 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. 1945 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform, set Condition of Readiness III. 2000 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 330o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 330o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 2002 Changed fleet course to the right to 100o T (PGC). 2012 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2300 Changed fleet course to the left to 250o T (PGC). 2400 Changed fleet course to the left to 160o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 50.3’ N

144o 34.4’ E

1200 14o 30.0’ N

145o 09.6’ E

2000 14o 44.0’ N

144o 16.0’ E

Wednesday, 19 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming as before. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J.J. Clark, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. This Task Group consists of the following U.S.S. HORNET, CABOT, YORKTOWN, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, CRAVEN and MAURY, in Cruising Formation 5R, axis 090o T, DENVER in station 4225. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below the third deck, Material Condition "B" above the third deck; Readiness Condition III. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Steaming on course 250o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. U.S.S. HORNET guide. 0000 Changed course to left to 160o T (PGC). 0010 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 160o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (163 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0448 Flashing light observed bearing 155o T (PGC). 0510 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0522 Shifted steering control to conning tower. 0524 Ceased zig-zagging. 0525 Changed course to the left to 065o T (PGC). 0524 Shifted steering control to pilot house. 0526 Shifted steering control to conning tower. 0534 Shifted control to steering aft. 0547 Changed course to 260o T (PGC). 0552 Shifted steering control to pilot house. 0553 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0630 Ceased zig-zagging. 0640 Changed course to 050o T (PGC), increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 0647 Changed course to 075o T (PGC). 0656 Changed course to 085o T (PGC). 0701 Changed course to 260o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0723 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 154

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 260o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0840 Ceased zig-zagging changed fleet course 075o T (PGC), fleet speed 22 knots (223 RPM). 0900 Fleet speed changed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0924 Changed fleet course to 320o T (PGC). 0927 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0930 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 320o T (PGC). 0940 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 320o T (PGC). 0942 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 00948 Changed fleet course to 030o T (PGC). 0952 Changed fleet course to 050o T (PGC). 1002 Changed fleet course to 330o T (PGC). 1013 Resumed zig-zagging. 1019 Fleet speed changed to 18 knots (180 RPM). 1021 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course to 330o T (PGC). 1025 Changed fleet course to 030o T (PGC). 1028 Changed fleet speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 1035 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 030o T (PGC). 1042 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 100o T (PGC). 1139 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1150 Changed fleet course to 330o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 191

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 330o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1202 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1235 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering for carrier flight operations. 1353 Changed course to 320o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1400 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1509 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1518 Changed course to the right to 120o T (PGC). 1548 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1549 Changed fleet course to 020o T (PGC). 1552 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 180

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 020o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1630 Changed course to the right to 110o T (PGC), resumed zig-zagging. 1700 Rendezvoused with destroyers, U.S.S. BRADFORD and BOYD, returning from mail trip to Saipan. 1725 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to the right to 250o T (PGC). 1731 U.S.S. DENVER designated guide.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 250o T (PGC), at 16 knots (160 RPM). 1843 Changed course to 095o T (PGC). 1847 Commenced maneuvering to keep clear of U.S.S. YORKTOWN during recovery operations and to regain station. 1852 Changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC). 1900 Changed fleet speed to 18 knots. 1900 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Ship still maneuvering to regain station. 1902 Changed base course to 250o T (PGC). 1916 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 1945 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III. Ship is darkened. 1947 Resumed station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 181

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 250o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7. 2001 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 325o T (PGC). 2010 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7, base course 325o T (PGC). 2050 Lighted fires under No. 1 and 3 boilers to boost steam. 2216 Let fires die out under No. 1 and 3 boilers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 18.8’ N

144o 01.4’ E

1200 14o 31.3’ N

144o 20.5’ E

14o 40.2’ N

144o 21.4’ E

Thursday, 20 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, is OTC in U.S.S. HORNET; Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, OAKLAND, IZARD, CHARRETTE, BELL, BURNS, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL; in Cruising Formation 5R; U.S.S. HORNET is guide, fleet speed 18 knots (180 RPM); fleet course 325o T; (PGC); zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 7; fleet axis 090o T (PGC). Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" set below the first platform deck; Material Condition "B" above the first platform deck; Condition of Readiness III; boilers 2 and 4 in use for steaming purposes. 0130 Changed fleet course to the left to 235o T (PGC). 0230 Changed fleet course to the left to 140o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 182

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 140o T (PGC), at speed 18 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with zig-zag plan No. 7. 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0516 Changed course to the right to 180o T (PGC). Ceased zig-zaggging. 0519 Changed course to the left to 110o T (PGC). 0522 Went to 22 knots. 0523 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0558 Secured from General quarters. Set Readiness Condition III; Material Condition "B". 0601 Changed fleet course to the right to 180o T (PGC). 0603 Slowed to 16 knots. 0618 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0755 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to the left to 100o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 179

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 100o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 0813 Increased speed to 18 knots. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0839 Changed course right to 180o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 0848 Commenced zig-zagging independently. 0934 U.S.S. BRADFORD came alongside to deliver mail. 0934 U.S.S. BROWN and CHARRETTE rejoined formation. At 0943 U.S.S BRADFORD came alongside to deliver U.S. mail. 0943 Cast off lines to U.S.S. BRADFORD. 0945 Increased speed to 20 knots. 0955 Changed course left to 115o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 1039 Changed course left to 295o T (PGC). 1040 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1057 Shifted steering units and cables to No. 2 unit and port cable. 1103 Resumed independent zig-zag. 1140 Ceased zig-zagging, changed course right to 110o T (PGC). 1150 Changed course right to 120o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1222 Changed fleet course to 270o T (PGC). 1235 Commenced zig-zagging independently on station. 1340 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 125o T (PGC), fleet speed changed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1355 U.S.S. DENVER designated fleet guide. 1400 Fleet course changed to 115o T (PGC). 1417 Fleet course changed to 315o T (PGC), fleet speed changed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1435 Resumed zig-zagging independently. 1436 U.S.S. HORNET designated fleet guide. 1539 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 315o T (PGC). 1543 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (223 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 120o T (PGC), speed 22 knots (223 RPM). 1626 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1639 Commenced zig-zagging independently maintaining station on fueling units. 1755 Ceased zig-zagging and began maneuvering with carrier group during flight operations. 1757 Changed course to 100o T (PGC) and went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1759 U.S.S. DENVER designated fleet guide.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 187

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 100o T (PGC), at speed 20 knots. Maneuvering to conform with carriers during flight operations. 1828 Changed course to the right to 115o T (PGC). 1832 Slowed to 16 knots. 1840 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1847 Ceased zig-zagging on course 085o T (PGC). 1845 Changed course to the right to 100o T (PGC), went to 20 knots. 1857 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Set Material Condition "A". 1902 Slowed to 18 knots. Changed course to the left to 340o T (PGC). 1906 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1921 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1941 Secured from General Quarters. Set Readiness Condition III, Material Condition "B" above third deck.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 340o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 2103 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to 300o T (PGC). At 2104 made radio and radar contact with T.G. 58.3. 2104 Made contact with Task Group 58.3. 2133 Resumed zig-zagging plan No. 6. 2125 Ceased zig-zagging, changed course right to 030o T (PGC). 2135 Resumed zig-zag. 2139 Ceased zig-zagging, changed course right to 060o T (PGC) 2158 Changed course left to 030o T (PGC). 2218 Resumed zig-zagging, plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 182

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 38.5’ N

144o 05.0’ E

1200 14o 31.3’ N

143o 44.6’ E

2000 14o 56.2’ N

143o 58.1’ E

Friday, 21 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming as before in company with T.G. 58.1. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists U.S.S. HORNET, OTC, YORKTOWN, CABOT, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, U.S.S. OAKLAND, Des Div 11, Des Div 91, Des Div 92, on base course 340o T. (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM); fleet axis 090o T, formation 5R, U.S.S. HORNET the guide, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 340o T. (PGC). The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" set above the first platform, Condition of Readiness III, Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. 0050 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 340o T. (PGC). 0100 Changed fleet course to 250o T. (PGC). 0110 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0150 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 250o T. (PGC). 0200 Changed fleet course to 150o T. (PGC). 0210 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 150o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0550 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0662 Changed course to the left to 300o T. (PGC). 0630 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0736 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on course 280o T (PGC). 0741 Changed fleet course to the left to 115o T. (PGC). 0747 Changed course to the right to 125o T. (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 176

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 125o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. 0802 Changed course to the left to 290o T. (PGC). 0810 Changed course to the left to 120o T. (PGC). 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0854 Changed course to the left to 290o T. (PGC). 0900 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0954 Changed course to the right to 120o T. (PGC). Ceased zig-zagging. Went to 18 knots. 1033 Changed course to the right to 270o T. (PGC), slowed to 16 knots. 1039 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. At 1040 commenced zigzagging independently while carriers fueled destroyers. 1040 Commenced zig-zagging independently while CV’s fueled destroyers. 1050 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1158 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 270o T. (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 167

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 270o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1202 Changed course to 120o T. (PGC); U.S.S. DENVER designated formation guide. 1228 Changed course right to 270o T. (PGC). 1231 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 270o T (PGC). 1257 Ceased zig-zagging. 1259 Changed course to 125o T. (PGC). 1332 Commenced independent zig-zag. 1452 U.S.S. HORNET designated guide. 1528 Ceased zig-zag. 1532 Changed course left to 330o T. (PGC). 1554 Changed course right to 115o T. (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 166

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 115o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1609 Changed fleet course to 340o T (PGC). 1618 Commenced zig-zagging independently on station. Completed fueling exercise and returned to normal zigzagging on Plan 6 at 1706. 1706 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 340o T (PGC). 1707 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 340o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 340o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1848 Ceased zig-zagging. 1853 Changed course to the right to 115o T (PGC) and went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1857 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1907 Changed course to the left to 340o T (PGC) and slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1914 Went to 18 knots (180 RPM). 1917 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1949 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness III; Material Condition "B" above the first platform.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 340o T (PGC), at speed 18 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2037 Changed course to the right to 350o T (PGC). 2047 Resumed zig-zag. 2250 Ceased zig-zag. Resumed base course. 2300. Changed course to right to 105o T. (PGC). 2310 Resumed zig-zag.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 38.5’ N

144o 05.0’ E

1200 14o 31.3’ N

143o 44.6’ E

2000 14o 56.2’ N

143o 58.1’ E

Saturday, 22 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming as before in company with T.G. 58.1 Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN is OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group consists of U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, DENVER, IZARD, CHARRETTE, BELL, BURNS, BOYD, BRADFORD, BROWN, MAURY, CRAVEN, GRIDLEY, HELM, and MC CALL, in Cruising Formation 5R; fleet axis 090o T (PGC); U.S.S. HORNET is guide; speed 18 knots (180 RPM); base course 105o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" set above the third deck, Condition "A" below the third deck; Readiness Condition III is set; boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. 0115 Contacted Task Group 52.17.6, bearing 040o T (PGC), range 20 miles. 0358 Ceased zig-zag, changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 183

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 0408 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC). 0412 Fleet speed changed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 0432 Ceased zig-zagging and changed fleet course to 200o T (PGC). 0448 Changed fleet course to 230o T (PGC). 0454 Changed fleet course to 200o T (PGC). 0457 Changed fleet course to 170o T (PGC). 0500 Changed fleet course to 140o T (PGC). 0510 Changed fleet course to 210o T (PGC). 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0517 Changed fleet course to 240o T (PGC). 0524 Changed fleet course to 270o T (PGC). 0527 Changed fleet course to 000o T (PGC). 0531 Changed fleet course to 110o T (PGC). 0546 Changed fleet course to 060o T (PGC). 0547 Sighted Saipan Island, bearing 060o T distance 25 miles. 0551 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. 0613 Fleet course changed to 240o T (PGC). At 0615 U.S.S. HORNET and U.S.S. YORKTOWN left formation and entered Saipan Harbor to take on bombs. Rear Admiral DU BOSE in SANTA FE assumed the duties of O.T.C. during the absence of Admiral J. J. CLARK. 0615 U.S.S. HORNET and U.S.S. YORKTOWN left formation on assigned duty. 0623 U.S.S. CABOT designated fleet guide and assumed station 2.5 225. 0637 Fleet course changed to 000o T (PGC). 0639 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6 base course 090o T (PGC). 0659 Ceased zig-zagging, steadied on 320o T (PGC). 0700 Changed fleet course to 040o T (PGC). 0710 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 040o T (PGC). 0746 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 040o T (PGC). 0750 Changed fleet course to 210o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 210o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 0800 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0847 Changed fleet course to 100o T (PGC). 0915 Changed fleet course to 020o T (PGC). 1039 Changed fleet course to 225o T (PGC). 1040 Made weekly inspection of magazines, sprinklers systems. Conditions normal. 1145 Changed fleet course to 045o T (PGC). 1158 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 164

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, conforming to movements of carrier during aircraft launching and recovery operations. 1238 Changed course to the right to 250o T (PGC). 1242 Changed course to the right to 280o T (PGC). 1256 Changed course to the left to 110o T (PGC). 1303 Aircraft recovery operations completed. Changed course to the right to 280o T (PGC). 1307 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1330 Changed course to the right to 030o T (PGC). 1340 Resumed zig-zagging. 1430 Changed course to the left to 255o T (PGC). 1440 Resumed zig-zag. 1531 Changed course to the left. Commenced maneuvering to conform with carriers movements during aircraft launching and recovery operations. 1558 Aircraft operations completed, steadied on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots. Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1625 Ceased zig-zagging and came to base course 090o T (PGC). 1626 Changed course to the left to 340o T (PGC). 1636 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1653 Ceased zig-zag, returned to base course 340o T (PGC), changed course right to 075o T (PGC). 1703 Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6. 1730 Ceased zig-zagging. 1737 Changed course right to 090o T (PGC). At 174- the YORKTOWN and HORNET rejoined the formation and Admiral CLARK resumed tactical command of the group. 1740 U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, MAURY, CRAVE, GRIDLEY and HELM rejoining formation. Maneuvering to take station, formation 5R.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), maneuvering to assume station 4225, in formation5R. 1814 Changed fleet course to 110o T (PGC). 1815 Fleet speed changed to 18 knots (180 RPM). Assumed position in formation 5R. 1831 Changed fleet course to 120o T (PGC). 1857 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Darkened ship. 1859 Changed fleet course to 140o T (PGC). 1915 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). 1922 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 180o T (PGC). 1947 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above first platform, Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 180

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2033 Changed fleet course to 200o T (PGC) and ceased zig-zagging. 2154 Cut in boilers No. 1 and 3 on the main steam line. 2218 Secured boilers No. 2 and 4.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 186

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 15o 19.8’ N

145o 21.0’ E

1200 15o 19.5’ N

145o 19.3’ E

2000 15o 06.8’ N

145o 59.4’ E

Sunday, 23 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, CRAVEN, MAURY, BOYD and BRADFORD. In Cruising Formation 5R; axis 090o T; DENVER in station 4225. Ship is darkened with Material Condition "A" below the third deck; Readiness Condition III; boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. Steaming on course 200o T (PGC), at speed 18 knots. U.S.S. HORNET guide. 0100 Observed starshells in the direction of Guam. 0232 Changed course to the left to 195o T (PGC). 0340 Made TBS contact with oiler group for scheduled fueling operations.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 174

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 195o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 0423 Changed course left to 090o T (PGC). 0432 Commenced zig-zagging, plan No. 6. 0510 Ceased zig-zagging. 0511 Changed course left to 240o T (PGC). 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0519 Maneuvering to join tankers for fueling. 0525 Sighted several ships on the horizon. 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. At 0605 ships of this force took stations in fueling formation 5F, Plan No. 3. 0605 Maneuvering to conform with fueling operations. Fueling formation 5F, plan No. 3, zig-zagging on orders from U.S.S. MOBILE, zig-zag line one. 0635 Gyro repeaters on forward gryo went out. 0715 Gyro repeaters returned to normal. 0747 Changed course to 080o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 080o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging on signal from CTG 58.1.2. 0830 U.S.S. GRIDLEY came along port side to transfer passenger and mail. Pursuant to orders of Commander Service Force Pacific Fleet, Lt. Joseph S. Sewall, Jr., O-V(RS), 271259 USNR, reported aboard for duty in connection with Radar Maintenance. 0845 U.S.S. GRIDLEY cast off. 0846 Maneuvered at various speeds on various courses to go alongside U.S.S. SEBEC, starboard side to for fuel and gasoline. At 0905 DENVER fueled from the U.S.S. SEBEC, completing at 1030. 0905 Shot over first line to U.S.S. SEBEC. 0912 Received tow line from the SEBEC. 0921 U.S.S. BELL came alongside port quarter to deliver mail. 0924 Commenced pumping fuel on forward and after fuel lines. U.S.S. BELL cast off. 0952 Commenced receiving gasoline. 1008 Completed receiving gasoline, having received 1200 gallons. 1025 Completed receiving fuel, having 215,000 gallons. 1030 Cast off forward and after fuel lines and stood clear of the tanker. Maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds to resume station in formation 5F. 1050 Assumed station in formation, zig-zagging on signal from CTG 58.1.2. Ceased zig-zagging, steadied on course 340o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 136

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 340o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). At 1211 took station in fueling formation 5R. 1211 Took proper station in Cruising Formation 5R and steadied on course 090o T (PGC). 1230 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 1248 Commenced maneuvering to conform to carriers movements during flight operations. 1407 Steadied on course 260o T (PGC). 1416 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1431 Changed fleet course to the left to 095o T (PGC). 1454 Changed fleet course to the right to 110o T (PGC). 1456 Changed fleet course to the left to 220o T (PGC). At 1546 the fleet course was changed to 220o T and the task group headed for Yap and Ulithi to make air strikes.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 157

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. 1600 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1616 Changed course to the left to 095o T (PGC), to conform with movements of carrier during aircraft launching and recovery operations. 1626 Went to 17 knots. 1631 Changed course to the right to 220o T (PGC). 1636 Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), at 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1848 Changed course to 095o T (PGC). 1857 Changed course to 220o T (PGC). 1858 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1901 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1940 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 220o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2025 Changed course to 215o T (PGC). 2200 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 215o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 12o 59.8’ N

145o 35.8’ E

1200 13o 44.2’ N

144o 55.4’ E

2000 12o 39.1’ N

146o 04.9’ E

Monday, 24 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET; the group includes: U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, OAKLAND, BURNS, CHARRETTE, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, CRAVEN, MAURY, BOYD and BRADFORD; steaming in Cruising Formation 5R, course 215o T (PGC), axis 090o T, speed 17 knots (170 RPM), guide U.S.S. HORNET. Ship is darkened, with Material Condition "A" set below the third deck and Condition of Readiness III; boilers No. 1 and 3 are in use for seaming purposes. 0205 Changed fleet course to the left to 175o T (PGC). 0317 Changed fleet course to the right to 230o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 230o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0515 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. Set Condition "A" throughout the ship. 0600 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. At 0600 T.G. 58.1 rendezvoused with T.G. 58.2 and T.G. 58.3, Vice Admiral M. A. MITSCHER, U.S. Navy, C.T.F. 58, O.T.C. in U.S.S. LEXINGTON. Task Group 58.1 took station 4 in cruising formation 5X. 0600 Rendezvoused with Task Groups 58.2 and 58.3, Vice Admiral M. A. Mitscher, USN, CTF 58, OTC in U.S.S. LEXINGTON. Task Group 58.1 took station No. 4 in Cruising Formation 5X. Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Went to 18 knots. 0621 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide of this station unit. 0723 Changed base course to the left to 225o T (PGC). 0736 Changed base course to the left to 220o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 220o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew on stations. Absentees none. 0818 U.S.S. BURNS came alongside with mail. 0822 U.S.S. BURNS cleared side. 0823 Slowed to 17 knots (170 RPM). 0835 Shifted to No. 2 steering unit and port cable. 0944 U.S.S. HORNET designated guide. 0947 Returned to base course 220o T (PGC), ceased zig-zagging. 0948 Changed fleet axis to 230o T (PGC), changed left to 180o T (PGC). 1000 Increased speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1007 Changed course right to 220o T (PGC), slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1030 . Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1105 Made daily inspections of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Condition normal. 1110 Changed base course to 225o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 225o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1223 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 1252 Changed fleet course to 220o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 1453 Changed fleet speed to 17 knots (170 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1634 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1721 Went to 17 knots (170 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 168

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 220o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots, zig-zag plan No. 6. 1852 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. Set Material Condition "A". 1945 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B" above the third deck, Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 220o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2049 Ceased zig-zagging, returned to base course. 2100 Changed base course to 225o T (PGC). 2110 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 10o 05.3’ N

144o 05.1’ E

1200 09o 21.1’ N

143o 27.6’ E

2000 07o 33.9’ N

142o 05.5’ E

Tuesday, 25 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, which consists of U.S.S. HORNET; (OTC), U.S.S. YORKTOWN, CABOT, CruDiv 13 less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER, OAKLAND, DesDiv 11, DesDiv 91, DesDiv 92 in formation 5R. Task Group 58.1 is in company with Task Groups 58.2 and 58.3, OTC M. A. Mitscher; in formation 5X. Base course is 255o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM); fleet axis 090o T; zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course is 255o T (PGC). The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" is set above the first platform, Condition of Readiness III; boilers No. 1 and 3 are in use.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 255o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0610 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0618 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 255o T (PGC). 0625 Changed fleet speed to 12 knots (120 RPM). At 0628 DENVER fueled U.S.S. BELL and at 0750 fueled U.S.S. CHARRETTE, completing at 0845. 0628 Received the U.S.S. BELL alongside to port for fueling. 0642 Commenced discharging fuel oil to the U.S.S. BELL. 0718 Changed fleet speed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0718 Completed fueling U.S.S. BELL having discharged 35,918 gallons. 0727 U.S.S. BELL cast off all lines and stood off from our port side. 0750 U.S.S. CHARRETTE came alongside to port for fueling.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 148

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 255o T (PGC), speed 10 knots. U.S.S. CHARRETTE is alongside to port for fueling. 0800 Commenced fueling. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0836 Completed fueling U.S.S. CHARRETTE, having delivered 35,540 gallons. 0845 Commenced zig-zagging independently. 0854 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0940 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1004 Changed course to the right to 020o T (PGC). Went to 18 knots. 1010 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1013 Rotated formation axis to the right to 270o T. U.S.S. HORNET guide. 1037 Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6. At 1045 manned the automatic weapons for test firing which was completed at 1108. Ammunition expended: 56 rounds 40mm A.E. Tracer, 7 rounds 20 mm H.E. Tracer, 9 rounds 20mm H.E. Incendiary. 1045 Manned automatic weapons. 1108 Ceased automatic weapons exercise. At 1150 sounded AA call because two unidentified aircraft had approached to within 25 miles of the formation. 1150 Sounded A.A. call upon approach of tow bogeys within 25 miles. Task Group alerted by TGC. At 1153 one enemy plane was shot down by our fighters bearing 078o T (PGC), distance about 10 miles. 1153 Observed enemy plane shot down by fighters, bearing 078o T (PGC), distance about 10 miles. 1158 Changed course to the right to 085o T (PGC). During this watch Task Group 58.1 proceeded independently from Task Force 58 on mission assigned. OTC Task Group 58.1 proceeded independently from Task Group 58 on mission assigned. OTC Task Group 58.1 is Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, in U.S.S. HORNET.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 150

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 085o T (PGC), at 18 knots (180 RPM). At 1207 the AA battery went to condition III. Task Group 58.1 left formation 5X and proceeded independently on duty assigned with Rear Admiral J. J. CLARK in HORNET as O.T.C. 1207 Set Condition III in A.A. battery. 1208 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1220 Changed course to 015o T (PGC). 1237 Changed course to 000o T (PGC). 1314 Changed course to 020o T (PGC). 1350 Increased speed to 25 knots, ceased zig-zagging, returned to base course 020o T (PGC). 1358 Changed course to 355o T (PGC). Carriers launched scheduled strike. 1405 Changed course to 340o T (PGC). 1410 Changed course to 330o T (PGC). 1415 Slowed to 18 knots (180 RPM). 1417 Changed course to 020o T (PGC). 1453 Report of enemy plane bearing 260o T distance 70 miles. 1455 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1509 Changed course to 330o T (PGC), increased speed to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1512 Manned the A.A. battery. 1520 Enemy planes reported bearing 325o T, 45 miles. 1525 Formed formation 5VD. Task Group maneuvered by OTC. 1542 Lighted fires under boilers No. 2 and 4.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 207

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 320o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM), in Cruising Formation 5VD, A.A. battery in Condition I. 1615 Cut No. 2 and 4 boilers in on main steam line. 1618 Set Condition III in A.A. battery. 1633 Changed fleet course to 060o T (PGC). 1647 Changed fleet course to 320o T (PGC), increased fleet speed to 27 knots (282 RPM). 1700 Secured No. 2 and 4 boilers. 1730 Changed fleet course to 060o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM). 1734 Changed fleet speed to 18 knots (180 RPM). 1745 Assumed station 4225 in formation 5R, base course 260o T (PGC), axis 270o T, speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 1750 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 060o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 261

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 060o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1843 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1846 Changed course to 300o T (PGC). 1905 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1916 Changed course to 090o T (PGC) and slowed to 18 knots (180 RPM). 1920 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1945 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" above the first platform.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 204

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 18 knots, zig-zag plan No. 6. 2010 Cut in No. 4 boiler on the main steam line. 2035 Let fires die out under No. 3 boiler. Secured No. 3 boiler.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 183

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 06o 39.4’ N

139o 12.0’ E

1200 06o 02.5’ N

139o 01.9’ E

2000 08o 49.0’ N

139o 12.0’ E

Wednesday, 26 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Throughout the day bombers and fighters from carriers of this force made strikes on Japanese held Yap. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, (OTC) in U.S.S. HORNET. Ships in Task Group 58.1 are: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, OAKLAND, DENVER, and Destroyer Divisions, 91, 92 and11: formation 5R. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "A" below the third deck; Material Condition "B" above the third deck; Readiness Condition III; boilers No. 1 and 4 are in use Course 090o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM); zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0100 Changed course left to 000o T (PGC). Changed course left to 000o T (PGC). 0200 Changed course left to 270o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 183

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 270o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0548 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 270o T (PGC). 0549 Changed fleet course to 225o T (PGC). 0550 Fleet speed increased to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0605 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated fleet guide. 0616 Changed fleet speed to 25 knots (256 RPM). 0617 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. 0643 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC), fleet speed slowed to 17 knots (170 RPM). 0700 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters; no absentees. 0817 Changed course to the right to 250o T (PGC). 0908 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 0911 Ceased zig-zagging. 0953 Changed course to the left to 090o T (PGC), and slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1000 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 090o T (PGC). 1042 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples: conditions normal. 1106 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1109 Changed course to 230o T (PGC) and ceased zig-zagging. 1159 Changed course to the left to 090o T (PGC) and slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 206

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. 1204 Commenced zig-zag plan No. 6. 1250 Went to 25 knots. 1255 Changed course to the left to 265o T (PGC). Ceased zig-zag. Commenced maneuvering to conform with movements of carriers during aircraft recovery and launching operations. 1402 Slowed to 16 knots. Changed course to the right to 100o T (PGC). 1407 Changed course to the right to 130o T (PGC). At 1515 U.S.S. MOBILE launched two OS2U’s which successfully rescued crew of a downed YORKTOWN plane near Yap. 1515 U.S.S. MOBILE launched two OS2U’s as rescue planes for crew of downed YORKTOWN plane off Yap. Commenced maneuvering to conform with carriers. 1555 Steadied on course 315o T (PGC). 1557 Slowed to 16 knots.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 315o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1610 Speed increased to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1623 Slowed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1642 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM), commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1730 Ceased zig-zag. 1735 Changed course right to 125o T (PGC). 1750 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 178

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1820 Ceased zig-zagging, remaining on course 080o T (PGC). 1830 Changed fleet course to 115o T (PGC). 1840 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1848 Increased fleet speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1851 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 310o T (PGC). 1903 Darkened ship, went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1908 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1913 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 180o T (PGC). 1922 U.S.S. HORNET designated fleet guide. 1923 Set Condition of Radar silence III. 1930 Changed fleet course to 185o T (PGC). 1943 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the first platform, set Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 185o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 08o 48.0’ N

139o 36.5’ E

1200 08o 27.8’ N

139o 21.1’ E

2000 08o 48.0’ N

138o 52.4’ E

Thursday, 27 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Planes from carriers of this force continued to strike Yap and Ulithi. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group consists of U.S.S. HORNET, (guide), YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, DENVER, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, CRAVEN, MAURY, BOYD, and BRADFORD. In Cruising Formation 5R, axis 270o T, DENVER station 4225. Ship is darkened, in Readiness Condition III, with Material Condition "A" below the third deck, Material Condition "B" above the third deck. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use. Steaming on course 185o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zag plan No. 6. 0200 Changed course to the right to 270o T (PGC). 0300 Changed course to the right to 000o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 000o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0545 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0604 Ceased zig-zag. 0605 Changed course right to 060o T (PGC). 0612 Increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 0614 Changed course right to 110o T (PGC). 0620 Increased speed to 25 knots (256 RPM). 0630 Changed course right to 130o T (PGC). 0633 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III, throughout the ship. 0637 Changed course left to 110o T (PGC). 0638 Changed course left to 090o T (PGC). 0641 Changed course right to 100o T (PGC). 0645 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM), changed course left to 300o T (PGC). 0655 Commenced zig-zagging independently on station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 300o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently. 0830 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC) ceased zig-zagging. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0820 Planes assumed Condition II. 0825 Shifted steering units and cables to No. 1 unit, starboard cable. 0845 Resumed zig-zagging on station. 0905 Ceased zig-zagging. Changed fleet course to 110o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM). 0930 Lighted fires under No. 3 boiler. 0945 Cut in No. 3 boiler on main steam line. 1000 Changed fleet course to 290o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1012 Lighted fires under No. 4 boiler. 1030 Let fires die out under No. 4 boiler. 1115 Changed fleet course to 320o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (256 RPM). 1155 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 197

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1240 Sounded flight quarters. 1250 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM), and maneuvered on various courses to launch aircraft. 1259 Launched plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), 125666, USNR. 1301 Launched plane No. 8. Pilot: Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), 121038, USNR; observer: Jones, E. V., S2c, 609 09 11, USNR. 1306 Secured from flight quarters. 1347 U.S.S. DENVER assumed fleet guide. 1348 Changed course to 215o T (PGC) and slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1444 Let fires die out under No. 3 boiler and cut boiler No. 4 on the main steam line. 1507 Sounded flight quarters and commenced maneuvering to recover aircraft "D" Method. 1530 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard to starboard. 1533 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard to port. 1534 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1536 U.S.S. SANTA FE assumed fleet guide. 1543 Changed course to 065o T (PGC). 1544 Changed fleet speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). Changed course to 075o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 194

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 075o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. 1615 Went to 20 knots during aircraft recovery and launching operations. 1630 Slowed to 16 knots. 1703 U.S.S. HORNET designated guide. Commenced zig-zagging independently while CV’s fuel destroyers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 075o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging independently on station during fueling operations. 1859 Increased speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1900 Changed course to 280o T (PGC). 1903 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1924 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1930 Set Radar silence III. 1940 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" above the third deck and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

A. E. Gross, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 280o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2119 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 280o T (PGC). 2120 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). 2130 Resumed zig-zagging base course 180o T (PGC). 2200 U.S.S. BRADFORD and BOYD rejoined formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 08o 10.8’ N

138o 26.5’ E

1200 08o 23.6’ N

138o 35.9’ E

2000 08o 52.8’ N

138o 27.9’ E

Friday, 28 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET (guide); this group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, SANTA FE, BILOXI; MOBILE, OAKLAND, CHARRETTE, BURNS, BELL, IZARD, BROWN, GRIDLEY, HELM, MC CALL, CRAVEN, MAURY, BOYD, and BRADFORD; In Cruising Formation 5R; axis 270o T (PGC); course 180o T (PGC); speed 16 knots (160 RPM). The ship is darkened, with Material Condition "A" set below the first platform and Condition "B" above; Readiness Condition III is set throughout the ship; boilers No. 1 and 4 in use for steaming purposes; zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0200 Changed fleet course to the right to 270o T (PGC). 0300 Changed fleet course to the right to 000o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0545 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. Set Material Condition "A" throughout the ship. Changed course to the right to 045o T (PGC). 0608 Changed course to the right to 065o T (PGC). 0630 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. 0630 Commenced zig-zag independently during fueling of destroyers by CV’s.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 065o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging independently. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0851 Ceased zig-zagging, changed course left to 295o T (PGC). 0855 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0930 Flight quarters. 0937 Ceased zig-zagging. 0947 Changed course right to 065o T (PGC). 0950 Increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 0953 Changed course right to 075o T (PGC). 0955 Changed course right to 085o T (PGC). 0958 Catapulted two OS2U’s. Pilot No. 7: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; no observer. Pilot plane No. 8: Ensign D. G. Hartlaub, A-V(N), USNR; observer, Tucker, A. D. Jr., ARM3c, 357 41 75, USNR; to act as rescue planes in conjunction with scheduled strike. 0959 Increased speed to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1002 Secured from flight quarters. 1016 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM), changed course left to 080o T (PGC). 1020 Changed course right to 085o T (PGC). 1023 Increased speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 1030 Changed course right to 095o T (PGC). 1035 Changed course left to 090o T (PGC). 1037 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. 1043 Changed course to 230o T, slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1047 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

E. B. Patterson, Commander, USN.

12 – 16 Watch

At noon DENVER launched two planes which successfully rescued the pilot of an F6F which had made a water landing between 5 and 10 miles from Yap after having been damaged by Jap AA fire. Steaming as before, base course 230o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1200 Sounded flight quarters. 1225 Ceased zig-zagging, changed fleet course to 080o T (PGC), speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 1315 Maneuvered on various courses and at various speeds to recover two planes, "D" Method. 1320 Recovered plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V (N), USNR; passenger Lt.(jg) E. Free, rescued pilot of U.S.S. CABOT. 1320 Recovered plane No. 8 to port. Pilot Ensign D. G. Hartlaub, A-V(N), USNR; observer, Tucker, A. D. Jr., ARM3c, 357 41 75, USNR. 1333 Changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC), speed to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1341 U.S.S. BELL came alongside to starboard to receive passenger, Lt.(jg) Free, for further transfer to U.S.S. CABOT. 1349 U.S.S. BELL cast off. 1400 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 085o T (PGC). 1530 Sighted object in water, bearing 060o T, distance 6000 yards.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 175

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 085o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1630 Changed course to 045o T (PGC) and ceased zig-zagging. 1643 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1650 Changed course to 020o T (PGC). 1654 Changed course to 085o T (PGC). 1722 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 085o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots, zig-zag plan No. 6. 1900 Set Radar Condition III. 1913 Went to General Quarters for Duck Alert. Set Material Condition "A". 1940 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B", Readiness Condition III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

20 –24 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 085o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 08o 49.6’ N

139o 23.1’ E

1200 08o 50.2’ N

139o 26.4’ E

2000 09o 02.8’ N

141o 18.7’ E

Saturday, 29 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET (guide); this group consists of the following: U.S.S. HORNET, YORKTOWN, CABOT, CruDiv 13, less U.S.S. BIRMINGHAM, plus U.S.S. DENVER and U.S.S. OAKLAND, DesDiv 11, DesDiv 91, DesDiv 92; in Cruising Formation 5R; axis 270o T (PGC); this ship at 4255; course 085o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM); boilers No. 1 and 4 in use for steaming purposes. Material Condition "B" is set throughout the ship; Radar Condition III and Condition of Readiness III is set; zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0250 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 085o T (PGC). 0300 Changed fleet course to the right to 175o T (PGC). 0310 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0350 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 175o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 161

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 175o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 0400 Changed course to the left to 290o T (PGC). 0410 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0500 Changed fleet course to the right to 015o T (PGC). 0521 Changed course to the left to 000o T (PGC). 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0609 Ceased zig-zagging and changed course to 335o T (PGC). 0610 Went to 17 knots (170 RPM). 0614 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" throughout the ship. 0624 Rotated the fleet axis to the right to 090o T (PGC). 0702 Slowed to 17 knots (170 RPM). 0705 Changed course to 350o T (PGC). 0720 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0745 Sighted Task Group 58.3, hull down off the port beam.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 176

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 350o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots (170 RPM) zig-zag plan No. 6. 0811 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course in preparations for receiving destroyer alongside. 0814 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0818 U.S.S. MOBILE designated guide. At 0820 U.S.S. BELL came alongside and enlisted and officer passengers were transferred to her by breeches buoy for further transfer to U.S.S. YORKTOWN. 0820 U.S.S. BELL alongside to starboard for transfer of passengers and mail. 0847 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 0851 U.S.S. BELL cleared our starboard side. Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6. 0912 Went to 19 knots. 0952 Slowed to 17 knots. 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1038 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1104 Changed course to the right to 010o T (PGC). 1114 Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 168

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 010o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1454 Slowed to 16 knots (160 RPM). At 1538 an emergency turn was executed by all ships as a result of a sound contact made by the U.S.S. IZARD. The contact was evaluated as negative after a pattern of 11 charges had been dropped. 1538 Changed course left to 260o T (PGC) on emergency signal, U.S.S IZARD reported sound contact. 1545 Changed course to 170o T (PGC). 1548 Changed course left to 080o T (PGC). 1555 Changed course right to 100o T (PGC). 1558 Changed course left to 050o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 168

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 050o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1603 Changed fleet course to 080o T (PGC). 1610 Changed course to 010o T (PGC). 1626 Changed fleet speed to 17 knots (170 RPM). 1640 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 010o T (PGC). 1648 U.S.S. MC CALL, BOYD, CHARRETTE and YORKTOWN left the formation on previously assigned duty. At 1658 the U.S.S. MC CALL, BOYD, CHARETTE, and YORKTOWN left the formation and went to T.G. 58.2.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 186

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 010o T (PGC), 17 knots (170 RPM). 1836 U.S.S. HORNET assumed fleet guide. 1848 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1926 Set Condition of Radar Silence III. 1930 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" throughout the ship. At 1931 the U.S.S. FRANKLIN escorted by the MC CALL, BOYD, and CHARETTE joined the task group. 1931 U.S.S. FRANKLIN joined the formation and took station assigned.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 010o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots, zig-zag plan No. 6. 2230 Cut in No. 3 boiler on the main steam line. 2233 Let fires die out under No. 4 boiler. 2252 Secured No. 4 boiler.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 09o 40.2’ N

142o 46.9’ E

1200 10o 42.6’ N

142o 39.5’ E

2000 12o 41.9’ N

143o 03.9’ E

Sunday, 30 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with T.G. 58.1. Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group 58.1 consists of: U.S.S. HORNET, FRANKLIN, CABOT, SANTA FE, BILOXI, MOBILE, OAKLAND, DENVER and Destroyer Divisions 92; 91 and 11; Formation 5R; U.S.S. HORNET guide; axis 090o T (PGC). The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" is set and Readiness Condition III; boilers No. 1 and 3 in use; speed 17 knots (170 RPM); base course 010o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 010o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0522 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 010o T (PGC). 0523 Changed course to the right to new fleet course 090o T (PGC). 0525 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert, set Material Condition "A". 0533 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III throughout the ship. 0603 Changed flee speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0606 Executed sunrise. Lighted ship. 0634 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated fleet guide. 0740 Changed fleet course to 085o T (PGC). 0757 Ceased zig-zagging and came to base course 085o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 160

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 085o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 0801 Changed fleet course to 060o T (PGC). 0811 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Held quarter for muster. Absentees: none. 0832 Changed base course to 055o T (PGC). 0924 Maneuvered on various courses to avoid U.S.S. HORNET during aircraft operations. 0930 Resumed station. 1026 Cut in boiler No. 4 on main steam line in place of boiler No. 3. 1050 Shifted from boiler No. 4 to boiler No. 3. 1054 Ceased zig-zagging and came to base course 055o T (PGC). 1100 Changed fleet course to 090o T (PGC). 1110 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1155 Ceased zig-zagging and came to base course 090o T (PGC). 1200 Changed fleet course to 180o T (PGC). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 151

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 180o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1210 Resumed zig-zagging plan No. 6. 1322 Changed course to the left to 060o T (PGC). 1433 Sighted Saipan Island, bearing 091o T (PGC), distance 45 miles. 1515 Changed course to the right to 180o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 154

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 180o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1603 Ceased zig-zag; changed course to the right to 220o T (PGC). 1605 Changed course left to 155o T (PGC). 1613 Changed course to the right to 180o T (PGC). 1620 Resumed zig-zagging, plan No. 6. 1704 Changed base course right to 270o T (PGC). 1714 Resumed zig-zag plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 152

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 270o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1801 Fleet speed increased to 17 knots (170 RPM). 1855 Went to General Quarters for Dusk alert. Darkened ship. 1858 U.S.S. HORNET designated fleet guide. 1910 Set Condition of Radar Silence III. 1923 Changed fleet course to 275o T (PGC). 1925 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 275o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2127 Changed fleet course to 270o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 15o 07.8’ N

144o 11.1’ E

1200 15o 31.6’ N

145o 00.9’ E

2000 14o 51.5’ N

144o 17.2’ E

Monday, 31 July, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 58.1, Rear Admiral J. J. Clark, USN, OTC in U.S.S. HORNET. Task Group consists of U.S.S. HORNET, FRANKLIN, CABOT, SANTA FE, MOBILE, BILOXI, DENVER, OAKLAND and Destroyer Divisions 11, 91 (minus CONNER) and 92 (minus COWELL). In Cruising Formation 5R; axis 090o T (PGC); DENVER station 4225; U.S.S. HORNET guide. Ship is darkened; in Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. Ballast is being pumped in preparation for fueling operation. Changed course to the right to 000o T (PGC) by Corpen movement. 0245 Changed course to the right to 090o T (PGC) by Corpen movement.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0525 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0531 Condition "A" set. 0600 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. 0606 Changed base course right to 110o T (PGC). 0618 Changed course right to 160o T (PGC), ceased zig-zag. 0620 Increased speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0627 Increased speed to 22 knots (223 RPM). 0629 Changed course left to 140o T (PGC). At 0630 the task group went to formation 5F for fueling. 0630 Formation 5F executed. 0644 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0645 Changed course left to 130o T (PGC). 0647 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0721 Commenced zig-zag in accordance with zig-zag plan. 0756 Changed course left to 040o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 181

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 040o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with fueling formation 5F. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0950 Changed base course to the left to 030o T (PGC). 0959 Maneuvered at various speeds and various courses to go alongside U.S.S. CALIENTE. At 1017 the DENVER fueled from the CALIENTE completing at 1253. 1017 Went alongside U.S.S. CALIENTE to commence fueling operation on course 090o T (PGC), at speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1020 Received tow line from U.S.S. CALIENTE. 1030 Commenced receiving fuel via No. 1 hose forward. 1035 Commenced receiving fuel oil via No. 2 hose aft.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 125

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1253 Completed fueling, having received 386,452 gallons. 1303 Cast off from U.S.S. CALIENTE and proceeded on various courses and speeds to take station in Formation 5F. 1335 Changed course to 040o T (PGC). 1352 Changed course to 140o T (PGC). 1355 U.S.S. HORNET assumed guide. 1402 Changed base course to 180o T (PGC). At 1406 resumed formation 5R. 1406 Rotated fleet axis to 155o T (PGC). 1406 Commenced forming Cruising Formation 5R. 1409 Slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1419 Slowed to 12 knots (120 RPM). 1445 Arrived on station in formation 5R, with guide bearing 200o T (PGC), distance 4,000 yards. 1448 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 315o T (PGC). 1554 Changed course to the left to 170o T (PGC). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 145

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 170o T (PGC), at speed 16 knots. 1609 U.S.S. SANTA FE designated guide. 1704 Changed course to the right to 315o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 165

J. P. Wiley, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 315o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM). 1834 U.S.S. HORNET designated guide. 1835 Changed course to the right to 320o T (PGC). 1836 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1854 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1858 Condition "A" set throughout the ship. 1940 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III throughout the ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 162

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 315o T (PGC), speed 16 knots (160 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 163

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 14o 57.8’ N

144o 05.8’ E

1200 14o 50.1’ N

144o 48.2’ E

2000 15o 28.0’ N

144o 24.2’ E

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Deck Log & War Diary Transcribed and Edited by Dick Bennett
HTML Markup and Site Maintenance by Andrew Toppan